By a Republican a heartbeat. The beltway establishment republicans would love a reliable vote on the court, and a pain in thier ass out of the chamber.
I am not saying anything about Hillary. Of course, they are on someone's payroll. They need money, just like any other organization. You just have to look at who benefits the most from a public declaration of support from white supremacists. Trump said certain things about Mexicans and Muslims and instantly he was labeled a Nazi by both liberal and conservative MSM outlets. Now, I am sure we agree that MSM says what they are paid to say. Then, you have white supremacists declare their support of the "Nazi" and of course you have the same MSM instantly link one to another - see we told you he was a Nazi! I just a firm believer that nothing just happens. There's always someone who benefits and/or someone who gets paid.
First of all, I would not be surprised if there were 5,000 members of Al-Qaida or ISIS in the US. Both of them are officially designated as terrorist groups, while KKK is not. KKK has been in decline for decades and is basically extinct at this point, while Muslim terrorism is steadily on the rise. So, there's quite a difference between the two.
He has put way too many of his unwavering conservative views out there to have any democrats be on board with him. And he is far right enough that not many republicans would either. And they'd rather block him to spite him than approve him to get rid of him
The New York Times is the best newspaper in good old USA and who thinks otherwise is just a stinky Republican. Period. This message has been approved by the Association of Passive Agressive Insecure Dentists (APAID)
I'm loathe to try to distill this down to a simple answer, particularly after a night out, but I'd give it a C+. It's tough to find someone with whom to compromise when, since the first inauguration, the opposing party has stated and demonstrated that their sole objective was to derail the president, callously letting every other challenge facing the nation be damned.
Probably not. The current state of the supposed bipartisan system renders any well-meaning endeavors both controversial and useless That leaves us with nothing other than the self-serving and the egomaniacal. Plug in your favorite Yakov Smirnoff line here. There had to be something other than family responsibilities that kept Colin Powell out of serious consideration.
The biggest problem with the Obama Presidency is that he's been unable to lead because of a race-related breakdown in civility between the parties. The GOP couldn't get over the fact that a black man beat them soundly in two straight presidential elections so they took their football and went home for the duration. It's been a perfect followup to to the Lee Atwater racism-laced politics of the 80's. It's why the GOP is now a permanent minority party, gerrymandering aside, and they're working hard on making the problem worse with Hispanic and Muslim voters moving forward. It's why outsiders have been able to hijack the party apparatus leading the GOP in directions unknown at this point. The second biggest problem is that Obama was afraid of appearing like an angry black man when confronted in this way by the GOP. He looked for ways to make reasonable compromises for the good of the country, right down to getting a GOP approved health care plan passed in 2010 and buying into the extension of the military-industrial complex from 2009 to 2012. This left him vulnerable on all sides and he became incapable of effective leadership when the Congress just said no to everything and the Independents perceived him as unwilling to stand up to them. The 2014 election was worse than it needed to be because Independents didn't like what they saw about the Congress but the Obama-inspired abandonment of the 50 state strategy gave them no local rallying point around which to express that disapproval. The third problem was the abandonment of significant support and aid for state parties that occurred under the restructuring, leading to the Democrats becoming a 30 state party again. Why Obama chose to do this is beyond me. It's a question that will be asked over and over again by future political historians. Howard Dean understood the problem and got the Democrats a strong surge in 2006 and 2008. Obama came in, missed the point entirely and presided over a disastrous 2010 election that set the stage for a largely failed Presidency. The only consolation is that the GOP got nothing done either due to their inability to deal with a black President. The 1994 Gingrich wave may have hated Bill Clinton but they found a way to work with him eventually and got their President elected in 2000. The 2010 Republican wave missed their shot.
If you're going to make claims of racism, please support it with specific facts. Not bending over and giving Obama everything he wanted is not a specific fact. Why do people act like gerrymandering is something that only the GOP does?
The group behind what’s expected to be the most expensive and sustained assault ― a super PAC dedicated to Rubio called Conservative Solutions PAC ― has raised about $20 million in the past week alone, sources tell POLITICO. They say the cash will power a full-frontal assault on Trump in the delegate-rich states that vote in March, starting with Tuesday’s 14 Super Tuesday contests. Read more: Robot Rubio's billionaire backers who want to pay 0 tax and want war with Iran are ramping up!
Yup, they are pumping some serious dough in. I was watching Fox News last night and there was a Rubio ad in pretty much every commercial break.
Pretty sure that Obama had the majority in both houses for his first term and with that being the case the republicans had no power to derail him in any way, he pretty much said FU to the other side of the aisle and shunned compromise or working with the republicans at the onset - not the other way around. It is he, Obama, that has been the single most dividing and polarizing partisan unwilling of compromise this nation has seen.
I wish I can find the video on YouTube but one of Obama's first meetings was with the Republicans where he ask if they can all work together and to stop playing games so things can get done. He pretty much got straight to the point with them and made some interesting logical statements. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk