Soooo this guy wants to take tax payer dollars to create a facility for junkies to shoot up without fear of overdosing? Sorry, this is cold, but go die for all I care.
Can somebody come up with the equivalent of "Buying all cars. Titles not needed. Free Vacations! Call (212) xxx-yyyy." for heroin addicts? It has to be out there somewhere.
Just build it next to a day laborer site and maybe they can get some work cutting peoples lawns after shooting up.
Wow...Br4d...for a minute there you almost sounded....conservative...have you suddenly discovered drinking?
No, I just think that giving heroin addicts free needles and helping them inject heroin safely is a much less effective way of dealing with the problem than getting them off the street and into mandatory treatment programs. If a Mayor really wants to spend public funds on helping heroin addicts he should like, help them, no?
Absolutely insane, but he grabbed the headline so good for him. I went to SUNY Cortland which is across the way from Ithaca. Outside the schools limits which include probably a 4 mile radius or so including the bar scene on main street, those little college cities are absolute drug waste lands. That includes a lot of areas of Syracuse which is about 40 minutes. Homelessness and drugs is at a whole new level in little shit cities like that. It's sad, as very few people who have went to school in Central New York have seen the poverty first hand.
Yes I know it's fake but didn't something like this happen in 'The Wire'? Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
Hamsterdam. The lt that looks a little like todd bowles set up a safe zone for the dealers, it dropped crime rates around the other neighborhoods.
WTF is the mayor doing now with the convoys of buses pulling into his "city" loaded with junkies? He didn't really expect them to read the press releases for content, did he?
So basically less overdoses, less needle sharing resulting in diseases being shared, less crime since people won't have to commit any to to get the drugs, and we can stop wasting tax dollars trying to arrest people for drugs? This would be a huge win for everyone. How could anyone be against this?
Isnt heroin.... ummm , ILLEGAL? Is the mayor also proposing that they legalize it? What a tool. And I cant see any junkie putting his fix on hold to go to a clinic or center or w/e the hell you wanna call it , so a nurse can make sure he doesnt OD Im all for certain drugs , they have their advantages. But there is literally no advantage to shooting heroin. Let em OD. Survival of the fittest. Live it , learn it , love it.
I hope you never need someone else to save your life. It'd be pretty shitty if you were desperate for help and everyone around you basically said, "Go fuck yourself, survival of the fittest."