Kasich is the logical choice. He brings the same things to Trump that Cheney brought to Dubya. It's not about burning down the establishment. It's about getting things done, and for an outsider like Trump, besides giving him Ohio, Kasich has mastered the hill, just as Cheney had, and Political executive exp.
With the absence of viable qualified candidates for POTUS, exactly what else is there to look forward to? I've been saying all along that NONE of these candidates should be POTUS. This situation may be the result of an overzealous media that convinced the truly qualified that running for POTUS simply isn't worth the destruction of their private lives. Not to mention the accelerated aging process that every POTUS goes thru. Almost 5 years aged for every year in the WH. Is it worth it for $400K ?
So Hobbes picked Kasich.. Thank God! I don't know who has the worse record. Hobbes or Woody Johnson when it comes to picking GOP winners. "I'm riding the Cain Train.." LMAO!!!!
America is finished. I can not believe Trump is going to be the President. Sent from my BLU LIFE ONE X using Tapatalk
The Trump bandwagon begins to fill up... http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/270986-maine-governor-endorses-trump
Yeah I read it... You're trying to weasel your way out of picking Kasich by saying "its the logical choice".. Its YOUR logical choice Hobbes. Nice try man...
Keep shaking your head Hobbes. Perhaps some common sense will find its way in one of these days... It's not Trump's logical choice simply because you can't read Trump's mind and you don't know what he's thinking. However, you do know what YOUR thought process is on this and if YOU were Trump, you'd pick Kasich. You've been on Kasich's bandwagon for a while now.. I guess its better than backing Herman Cain or this years' version... Blinky Carson. For once we can't put this idiocy on DT.
Lets not forget David Duke's contribution... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...kkk-neo-nazis-america-white-article-1.2543847 or the Klu Klux Klan's surge of membership.... http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/donald-trump-white-supremacists-216620 Amazing what Donald Trump has done already. Just imagine what we can look forward to if he's elected POTUS. Can't Wait!
Latest national post debate poll conducted by NBC News/Survey Monkey: Trump - 39% Rubio - 21% Cruz - 19% Kasich - 8% Carson - 8% NBC News/Survey Monkey conducted its latest sampling of 6,433 registered voters via online interviews on Feb. 24-25. It has a 1.9 percent margin of error.
It seems as though there's not a single Senator who likes him at this point. Odds on confirmation would be very low. The Christie endorsement could go two ways for Trump. It might lead to a few more influential establishment endorsements or it might finally shock the base into realizing that Trump is not one of them. Christie is barely one of them and for evangelicals and Libertarians definitely not. I could see it helping Trump or hurting him at this point.
First of all, most leaders of such groups are usually on someone's payroll and do/say what their handlers tell them. So, whatever they say should be taken with a grain of salt. Secondly, there were about 5,000 KKK members in 2015. Even if there's indeed a "surge of membership", those numbers are meaningless for a country with 300+ million people.
Would you say it was meaningless if there were 5,000 members of Al-Qaida in the US in 2015 and there was a surge in membership? Terrorists are terrorists and the KKK are terrorists.
Now who would have David Duke on their payroll Petro? Just don't say Hillary please. Cmon man.... As far as the surge of membership, all that reflects is the tone of this election and the pent up feelings that are out there. With Trump not disavowing any of these fringe groups, by remaining silent he's giving tacit approval and accepting their support. Trump always claims to be the master deal maker so I guess he's made a deal with the Devil in this case.
It's Trumps logical choice, be ause of the common political factors involved in picking a VP according to the CW. And like it or not, he's easily the most accomplished person running on eother sode.