To answer the above points 1. He will never peg Rubio for anything, this was clear as day before these two went after each other's balls. 2. Haley looks like the future of the Conservatives...Whenever that is. Might be 4 years from now. Trump is going to build a "Dream Team" or at least that is what he will call it lol Pres. Trump VP Kasich Attorney General Christie Surgeon General Ben Carson Last night was a gut punch tot he RNC...Trump said he will change the RNC, it will be different.
Well, if it's entertainment you're after you should be very happy. On the other hand, those of us who are seeking viable candidates with viable policies and reasonable goals and the understanding that the presidency is not for despots and requires statesmanship and compromise will be sorely disappointed.
Hey. You bodybuilding snob. I am fat too. You got a problem with fats? Talk to my face and I will punch you. Well said. Very well said in fact.
President Trump Vice President Kasich Supreme Court justice Cruz Attorney general Christie.... Interesting..
Trump emerged from last night unscathed... You're delusional. Plus go back and read the original article from 1990 NYT about Trumps deposition in the alleged illegal alien case. Rubio just pulled down his oants and bent over. After Trump kills him in Florida, on Super Tuesday....Trump will call him on his misrepresentation of the issue, as Cruz is the weaker of the two. Rubio shot himself in the leg last night.
There is another piece to that. No Democrat wants to have to spend money in NYC. Hillary! Will have to. But that carries over into North Jersey. A Republican will get most of South Jersey, but North Jersey is where the population Concentration is...and Christie has won NJ twice. So, if Trump goes heavy on NYC air, the Dem has to respond to defend Brooklyn,Bronx and Queens. But... What electoral map favors a dem without NJ and Ohio? There is none. Christie is on his way out, he'd love to be AG. If Trump takes Kasich as Veep.... That's a tall Hill for Hill to Ho.
I think that's true as far as it goes. But what about after? Trump voters will never be happy with the GOP establishment again. Meanwhile the evangelicals who are not Trump fans will have gone through yet another cycle with nothing to show for their involvement. The main lesson of this season as far as the GOP is concerned is that it is clear a large part of the base is losing faith in the whole trickle down supply side bs. I don't see them putting that humpty dumpty back together again, but maybe I'm being too optimistic. There's a place in a rational discussion for tax reform and efficiency in government. But this notion that we should just keep giving breaks to the wealthy and hope that turns out well for everyone else is so old and disreputable right now. In hindsight people will look back at it and wonder wtf was going on.
I thought that was stupid too...Let's bring up a 1980's case involving a contractor... Robot is desperate. Fact is people hire illegals either directly or indirectly..It's the American way at this point.
I don't see the connection between Rubio and Clinton. Clinton is selling competence, experience and a mildly left of center set of policies. Evolutionary. You may disagree with the policy proposals. But it has a logic to it. Rubio's campaign has no logic to it as far as I can see. We agree about Cruz.
I don't like defending Trump, but that was a stupid line of attack by Rubio. Over 30 years ago, when the whole debate was very different. Hiring people from Poland - Rubio was probably in diapers then and doesn't remember that Poland was still part of the Eastern Bloc at that time, so hiring those people was kind of a pro-freedom move, against the Soviet Union. My word.
Thats delusional. Hillary! Is toxic. Some voters may stay home, a distinct possibility, but not likely with the frightening prospect of a Clinton in The WH. A far more likely scenario, is middle of the road dems, like Reagan captured that are sick of D.C. Hold their nose and cross the aisle, hence Trumps embrace of the middle vis-a-vis Planned Parenthood this early in the primaries.