Cruz is the other anti-establishment candidate left, aside from carson who no one takes seriously. His supporters will definitely NOT all go to the establishment candidate. I think more would go to Trump than Robo.
A surprise indeed: Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump Wow. Two things...Great attack dog for Trump as he will get lots of media time and Rubio's off the TV set/no one's talking about him...Bad for Mr Robot.
maybe christie is his vp choice. same type of take no shit, say what I want attack personality with government experience. makes sense
and another brilliant move by Trump in terms of diverting attention from last night's debate and Rubio's attacks. Trump once again stays in the news but for a different reason.
Trump is a master of getting FREE air time for his message. Simply amazing. Better yet, there was no leak of the endorsement...Christie just came out with Trump and boom.
The endorsement Can't disagree with anything he said.
I can think of many reasons he is wrong to say Trump is the one most likely to beat HRC. He makes this unsupported allusion to the Clintons being unprepared to oppose a candidate like Trump. He has no idea what he is talking about. His endorsement probably helps Trump, though. My guess is Christie is still pissed about those ads the Rubio campaign ran against him, suggesting he was an ally of Obama's just because he showed some basic civility when they were touring the Sandy wreckage. And of course Christie has no reason to endorse Cruz.
"We don't need nasty." - Trump haha, what a contradictory and ridiculous statement by the main man himself
1988 was really bad, with Willie Horton and the way the Atwater attack machine went after Dukakis. The primaries had the assault on Gary Hart culminating in the Monkey Shines thing. The difference this time is that everybody is going to be going after Trump, not just the Democrats. A lot of RINO's are going to go into the booth and hold their nose and vote for Hillary. The most threatening thing in this election for the GOP establishment is that Trump wins and completes a hostile takeover of the GOP.
Well, Rubio is basically a Republican version of Hillary. They are two sides of the same coin, just different flavors of pretty much the same status quo, rinse and repeat DC politics. Cruz... he's too extreme and appeals only to a small portion of the electorate. Let's say he gets elected. How is he going to accomplish anything if he's not prepared to make any deals with the Democrats? Obama can do his executive orders to get his way, but Cruz won't even be able to do that. Republicans, who can't stand him either, will team up with the Democrats to veto his executive orders. So, there's only Trump left. Yes, he's a liberal/conservative/whatever you want him to be. He says crazy things and more, but he's the only one who might be able to pull Independents and Democrats.
Whatever brings back debate and compromise to American politics. God Bless President Reagan and Speaker O'Neill....
Man Trump was spewing some hot shit out there in Texas during that rally. Saw that from start to finish...That is what a egotistical rant sounds like. This race is going to wear the media out haha
I thought we'd already established that Trump was going to pick Sarah Palin as his VP? I actually see two routes for him to go, both are olive branches to the old GOP establishment. 1. Pick Rubio, which is just the no-brainer choice right now unless Rubio just savages him all the way down the stretch, which is always possible. 2. Pick Nikki Haley to put a woman on the ticket and solidify his credentials across the south, which he is going to have to sweep with no accidental losses to win the Presidency. He may pick Palin anyway. This campaign is about "down with the establishment!" as much as 1968's Democratic campaign was.
As repetitive as his rallies get (if you watched one, you pretty much watched them all), they are still way more fun than a typical Hillary rally...