Rubio: Trump 'underperformed' in Nevada caucuses LOL.
Simple question. Dentists can also answer. I love dentists. If Hillary and Trump didn't come from money, would they be able to lead a Fortune 100 company as a CEO? Hillary went to Wellesley College thanks to her parents and then went to Yale again thanks to her parents. Trump's father left him a fortune. Where would they be if say they were born to a middle class family in Brooklyn like Petrozza?
Rubio: Majority of GOP voters don't want Trump Read more: This clown is getting comical.
It's desperado Rubio. Cruz also throwing anything that can stick...These guys might as well drop after Super Tuesday. But just know Carson will be still be there! Trump/Kasich ticket is very likely I think...I can only imagine the quarrels over plans those two would have back doors haha
did Rubio claim victory? so far everyone has been winners in primary elections lol just a matter how you look at it!
Fox News Reports Rubio Is In Bed, Forgoing Nevada Caucus Speech Not a good look.
Entry polls last night said 57% of caucus goers were angry and only 1% enthusiastic. That has to be the worst possible pair of numbers for the GOP at this point.
Yeah I too saw that "57%" graph, on MSNBC. Washington (CNN) Nevada Republican caucus attendees on Tuesday night were angry at the government and looking for a president who is outside the system, according to entrance polling results. Almost 6 in 10 caucusgoers said they are angry about the way the federal government is working, and another 36% say they're dissatisfied. That's nearly 20 percentage points more than the share saying so in Iowa (42%), New Hampshire (39%) or South Carolina (40%). And about 6 in 10 voters say they are looking for someone from outside the political establishment, more than said so in any of the first three contests. Donald Trump also won in almost every demographic polled Tuesday night, but performed especially strong with those who said they wanted someone "outside the establishment," winning 70% support there. However, when voters were looking for someone "experienced in politics" they went with Marco Rubio 57% of the time. Trump was winning Latino voters, according to the poll results, with 44% of the vote -- followed by Rubio with 29% and Ted Cruz with 18% -- but the sample size of Latinos was small.
To quote the Trump... "Look, the Mexicans love me, believe me. They will love the wall, Mexico will love me and the latinos love me more. I've got latino friends and they tell me they are ready to make America great again, believe me, I know."
Republican nomination odds update: Trump - 1/3 (was 2/3 on Monday) Rubio - 2/1 (5/4 on Monday) Cruz - 50/1 (20/1 on Monday) Kasich - 60/1 (50/1 on Monday) Carson - 750/1 (750/1 on Monday)
So, can President Trump fight a two front war....rolling back the Russians (advancing on Turkey fcol, like its Thanksgiving) and an economic one with China? He could conscript the illegals, send the young ones to bases in Europe and Asia and use the older ones to build the wall...
Why do you care about Turkey so much? These days they are nothing like the Turkey that Ataturk envisioned. If they want to pick a fight with Russia, let them...
Turkey is a key U.S. Ally in that do you think Putin can get ships into the Atlantic, in cold weather? Now...check the map. Greece is being courted by os Assad. What lies in the middle? Turkey...and the Turkish straits. The Montreaux convention gives Turkey sole military authority over the straits...and hence the ability to prevent Russian military ships from passing. Putin, os looking to expand his role on either side, to effectively make it costly for the US, and or Turkey to maintain that military position. Do you think the President would respond in kind, of bombs started falling on say....drone strikes on Caspian sea oil wells?