For me it wasnt the offield stuff at all..... it was all the stuff about his substantial weight loss and his psych evalutation. and i think thats why he dropped
For me it was about his weight loss, him getting dinged-up frequently as well as pretty much being a non-factor in the Holliday Bowl. Fast as he is, if a gangly 235-pounder is manning the edge, I'm pulling a guard and running the ball at him.
Just failed his 4th drug test and earned a 4-game suspension. Good call by Mac, I wanted to take the risk because of his potential. Guess that's why he makes the big bucks.
11 tackles, 0 sacks. And a 4 game suspension after his rookie season. But at least he got to be mentored by an unrepentant woman abuser. I wish we had that organizational structure.
He should go on the lecture circuit with the Mets' Jenrry Mejia: "How to F*#k up a Promising Career!"
I wasn't too high on Randy Gregory - I was more like, [Ok if they take him. Ok if they don't.] Now, I am clearly in the [THANK GOD THEY DIDN'T TOUCH THIS MORON WITH A 10 FOOT POLE.]
Yep. Drug addiction is a powerful thing. Those players need to beat their addiction and save their lives first, then worry about playing football. That's why I probably wouldn't touch Spence with a 10-foot pole.
Those drug addicted marijuana addicts will only introduce our pure young white daughters to evil Mexicans. Something needs to be done about this!
By the time draft night rolled around it was obvious Gregory had issues beyond 'pot addiction'. He was self medicating himself with it and has issues beyond having a pot problem. Each guy should be looked at on an individual basis. I liked Gregory, but didn't mind at all that we passed on him. It was obvious at that point he was fucked up, sick. That showed good judgement and patience on Mac's part not reaching for an obvious need. Too bad Jerry didn't draft Manziel also. He came close to pulling the trigger on that too
I agree that each guy should be looked at on an individual basis. IMO that's pretty much true for everything in life. Generalizing and stereotyping individuals is not the best way to relate to people. Pot is one thing. It's fairly easy to understand how people get started using and it's not as addictive as many of the other recreational drugs. In Spence's case, however, I think he's addicted to Ecstasy, and that's a whole other ball game. I believe that one can get hold of a bad batch of Ecstasy and die since different people make it, formulas are altered to avoid arrest, and different chemicals are used to cut it. As far as I know, that doesn't happen with pot.
That's already happening, and worse... they've been impregnated. And in Maine of all places! Here's undeniable proof-
ah, republicans and their fear-mongering.... i didn't want Gregory, and want no part of Spence. blatantly obvious character concerns, along with repeated drug offenses, is just way too risky for round 1.