Good read. Besides the truth of it (cheating on trade is enforced as much as civil perjury...look that up) the only counter argument, is to endorse China. The only winning move, is not to play. And concede the issue.
P.S...trump doesn'need to win NY state. He can...possibly. But remember, that airtime battle also covers North Jersey, and if Trump looks like a winner....Christine knows his way around the track. He's going to want to be a Senator..or Cabinet member if he still holds Presidential aspirations. Ambassador to electoral map that doesn't include NJ...puts a Democrat in the WH. And for Poeman, all of the Democrat victory margins are run up in Brooklyn, Bronx, and Manhattan (ithaca the city of evil doesnt count).. Between a subtle mix of union pressure, and voter manipulation...(some might say suppresssion) that total can be reduced enough to even out the state to put it in play....
I also picked Bush twice, and Klintoon twice. Sue me, I never imagined white suburban guilt would carry a guy with no qualifications to the White House And my Senate Record is better then Charlie Cooks btw I'm 5-1 over 6.
Well, I think it's going to be closer in NY than many people think. I am also proud to say that my Brooklyn, NY district voted 59% for Romney in 2012 Obama's biggest wins in Brooklyn came in the Northern part (hipsters, etc.) and all the black neighborhoods. The hipsters now have Bernie Sanders and most of them despise Hillary. Will they even bother to vote this time? We all know why most blacks overwhelmingly voted for Obama. While most of them will definitely vote for a Democrat this time as well, the numbers won't be as big, as many will just stay home. The same can be said about Queens as well. Obviously Manhattan liberals and minorities of the Bronx will vote Democrat, while Staten Island will be red this time.
Cruz knows it's almost over for him and he's getting desperate Ted Cruz toughens immigration stance, says he’d deport all illegals
Yet rooting for Sanchez for years takes away from your credibility in picking who will turn out what. Low blow alert low blow alert. You old ugly Republican you. Hahaha
I just want to elect Melania as First Lady and work out the whole president thingy later. Should be a way.
Except Barnum never uttered the phrase I believe you are referring to, so you've proved that someone was right