I kind of buy the idea that if all the other establishment candidates dropped out after tonight and endorsed Rubio he would become a small favorite over all. A three-way race between Trump, Rubio and Cruz will eventually force Cruz out also and a two-way race between Trump and Rubio would be too close to call at this point, even if Carson hung around for awhile taking the "I don't have a clue" voters away from Trump. I think if the race stays a three-way race into the convention that we are headed for the brokered convention, with a potentially catastrophic split for the GOP at the end.
I'm not voting. I'll support any Republican over that lying sack of shit, as well as Sanders (minus the lying sack of shit). Trump, I refuse to vote for.
Only Rubio congratulated Trump on the win. Is he trying to get on Trump's nice side? I think it's a 2-man race now, rather than 3. If Cruz couldn't pull it off in South Carolina, as religious as that state is, he has really no chance. His ultra conservative, religious crowd is very limited. P.S. Cruz just congratulated Trump too and then attacked him in the very next sentence
Both know that since Jeb! has left the race, Trump's fire will be aimed more at them now... Trump vs two war mongers! Hope he keeps on crushing these morons.
His brother had a screwed up Presidency and his father had a decent Presidency but not according to Republicans and the GOP spent the last 8 years getting their folks good and angry for this election. In retrospect it's not clear why he ran in the first place. Rubio would have knocked him off the stage if Trump and Cruz weren't there. You have to be Conservative, very Conservative, at this point to qualify for the GOP nomination. The faithful are tired of losing with RINO's. They'd rather take a shot with somebody who is definitely Conservative. Trump is an aberration. Most of the people voting for him aren't normally in the political process. If the GOP knocks him off they're going to find a real drop in potential voters. If they keep him, well they won't be the GOP when he's done with them. Never ever spend most of a decade just getting your base really angry. You can't turn that off and by the time you're done they might well be somebody else's base.
Cruz can hang on until Texas and if he thinks he's getting 20% of the delegates overall he can hang on till the convention. I agree with you that it's effectively a two man race at this point but what if Trump says "Happy Birthday Hitler!" out of nowhere and knocks himself out of the race? Then Cruz is the anti-establishment candidate in a two man race instead of Trump.
as a republican, well former republican, i can safely say that its over for the party at this point. the old keep dying and the young arent falling for all the bullshit anymore.