I admit I do t know. As someone who works out, and someone who knows what "juicers" look like I "feel" like most NFL players are on something. Am I totally dumb? Is it possible to be that big, that strong, and that crazy without PED's? I truly don't know. My gut says that there must be a loophole. Are all NFL players "clean"? Can someone kindly educate me on the rules? Thanks
Make sure you're good, marketable, or don't make a lot of money and they'll turn the other way. The last thing the NFL wants is their marketing darlings like Gronk or Clay Matthews to be accused of playing on banned substances while representing the brand in movies like Entourage along with car and insurance commercials. Matthews was reportedly a 6'1" 150 pound stick as a junior in high school. By the time he got drafted he weighed nearly 250 pounds. It's not outrageous to think he went on an intense weight gaining plan, but its also not outrageous to think he juiced when his buddy Brian Cushing definitely did.
HGH does not, in and of itself, create muscle mass like steroids. 3 of my 4 kids took HGH for years (I administered probably 10,000 shots) and they did not grow an inordinate amount of muscle mass--they grew at a rate that was incremental to the rate they would have grown had they not taken HGH. Their nails and hair grew like crazy. I think body builders take HGH because (i) it allows you to work out harder and longer and (ii) it makes the recovery period (muscle healing) shorter. It's kind of a miracle drug that accelerates healing and slows the aging process. Steroids, as I understand it, grow muscle mass. When you combine the two you have the perfect cocktail. Difference is, HGH is not harmful when taken in the appropriate doses for your height and weight whilst steroids are harmful in almost any amounts. _
Hey I don't blame you for not knowing the NFL's rules on HGH & Steroids.. I don't think most of us know much about it. I did find this good image though that summarizes the NFL's policy on performance enhancing drugs:
this is the point when i say something mean like did they take it so they didnt end up short like you... but i dnot want to do that here. i am interested in the use and reason they took it though, and am completely cool with you telling me to go fuck myself, twice after the low blow and the question. i cant stand the shit, its completely changed a game i enjoy. and is the leading factor to it ending up not being a game our kids get to play anymore in the next 20 or 30 years. but lets worry about banning guys for smoking marijuana..... bunch of assholes.
Go fuck yourself. I'm a cunt hair under 5-4 and my wife was a tad under 5-0. I was always the shortest kid in school (not the smallest, I was very strong and muscular and full of piss and vinegar and I rarely fought--little guys wouldn't dare fight me and big guys hesitated for fear of getting their asses kicked by a little guy. I played running back, strong safety and linebacker in high school at 145 pounds). Still, my mom and dad were short but I was the shortest of 7 kids. My older brother is 5-8 so obviously I got the short end of the stick. Not surprisingly our first child was small but we never thought anything about it. Always below the normal growth line at the pediatrician. When our second kid was about 9 months old he stopped growing for 3-4 months. So for fear of a pituitary tumor we had an MRI that showed nothing so they sent us to a child endocrinologist who suggested we do a growth hormone test. It's a 4 hour test because HGH is formed by your body over time so you need to check it over time to see if you get the normal HGH spikes or all low readings. (It's why testing for it is really hard--it's just not a simple blood test). Turns out he was--shockingly-- growth hormone deficient. We put him on HGH shots from the time he was about 3 until he finished puberty and his growth plates closed. Child 3 and 4 rinse and repeat. So my 3 younger kids are all 5-3 to 5-5 and my oldest who never got the shots is about 4-10 1/2. To this day she feels cheated. We didn't do it for competitive reasons, we did it to try to get our kids (i) to reach the tallest their physiology would permit and (ii) increase their rate of growth so they could catch up with their peers (which is a big esteem thing when you're in middle school). They didn't get THAT much taller but they got to the max quicker. HGH is extremely expensive unless it's covered by insurance. My co-pay was about $90 a year but the prescription costs $36,000 a year. Per kid. For years. I made out on that insurance. I still have about a dozen vials in the chill chest. PM me if you are interested. _
I've been training with a fkn partial hammy tear for like 6 months. Now it's makin my glute tight as f. Send that shit over here or give me an ass rub.
At this point, I think I know more about you and your family than I know about both my mother and my wife.
It's an injectable solution, a shot in the glute 6 days in a row would fix that shit. Some muscle head wanted to buy it from me last year lol. Was going to pay me $2000. I was too chicken, so now it's just taking up space in my vegetable crisper. _
My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. _
and what may I ask did you make in the spring? that's actually very interesting, I honestly probably learned a little bit about hgh from your post. my mother was only 4'5 I was taller than her when I was 8 years old. I can understand your pain, I cant feel it but I can understand it.
No pain really. I toughened up on the short jokes in about 3rd grade, after that I thought them weak and have always used my lack of stature as a strength. Makes me unique. If you met me you would not think of me as "small". Folks say I have a "big person's" personality. My line in business when I first meet someone in person after having dealt with them on conf calls is "I know, I sound much taller on the phone" which always brings a chuckle and breaks the ice. _
When we lined up by height in school, I was always a couple of kids back from the front of the line. When you aren't big, or fast, and you can't jump, you naturally have to develop your other talents, like strength and smarts. I loved basketball as a kid, but I could never mix it up under the rim with the big guys. So, I worked on my ball handling, defense, passing, free throws and boxing out. Things you could/should do at any size, but people with talent tend to overlook, because they rely on their talent. I sucked, but I worked hard. In a freshman pickup game, one of the guys cut his hand on the rim, when I could just barely touch the bottom of the net - on a good day. So, I knew I was destined for the Math Team (where I lettered! LOL!) Later in life, I focused on activities where size doesn't matter - skiing, distance running, and biking. In business, it's better to be smart, know your stuff, and have a good sense of humor anyway. Nobody cares how much you can press, or how far you can throw a football. In real life, chicks dig the W-2.
I'm sure that plenty of players cheat, and plenty of others don't. (For example, some quarterbacks look totally flabby and unathletic.) There's really no way to know if they're using things that can't be tested for yet.
http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...roblem-even-if-peyton-manning-isnt-part-of-it The past couple of years the NFL has been using the isoform test: The problem, longtime anti-doping analyst Don Catlin told USA Today's Brent Schrotenboer in February, is that isoform testing only works if the player is tested within a few hours of using HGH. It "doesn't catch many people at all," he said. "It's not a test that's designed to really do that. It will catch you if you just used it a few hours ago, but if it's a day or more, it's not going to find you." This year they plan to implement the biomarker test: "The biomarker test does not pick up doping within the previous two days, but the detection window extends back beyond that for at least a week, so it has the potential to be much more effective than the isoform test." That would dramatically increase the chances of a cheating player getting caught. This type of testing, like all testing, would have to be agreed upon by the union.