Says the biggest asshole ever. I have never ever listened to Kanye in my life and I don't follow celebrity news to know about him. So by choice, it is Trump for me.
BN Why is this guy being hated so much. Like I said, I don't know anything about him. What's his deal?
thats a loaded question dude. he has so many asshole moments at this point it is difficult to describe. That's like asking me why boobs are good, they just are
Boobs are overrated. Give me a nice curvy ass. Well, if you guys hate him so much then there is something to him.
Go find a pictorial medical reference guide, look up "Prolapsed Rectal Colon" and it's likely you will find a few images of Kanye. _
You are what you eat and considering Kimasaurus' toliet, KW's gotta be rimmin' a much bigger one... "Mrs. Trump" on the left
He's extremely arrogant, but there's really no reason for him to be arrogant because he hasn't dropped a decent album in over a decade. Albums are utter trash.
Kanye became the "gold digger" when he married Kim. He is $50 million in debt and can't sing a lick. He better ride that reality show gravytrain for all he can.
Kanye West actually thinks hes the greatest artist of all time. LOLZ. He's not even the greatest rapper of all time let alone the greatest artist. What a joke this guy is. LMAO at the tranny in law!
Love it! I only scrolled to the middle of the pic and my answer had "making a sandwich" in it. True (not a Stokes 'true story') story!
One is an asshole, the other a lunatic.. I think the two are interchangeable at this point.. Can I vote for both?