Bush Campaign Sources: Campaign Out of Money. Pay Ends Saturday. http://theresurgent.com/bush-campaign-sources-campaign-out-of-money-pay-ends-saturday/
No they won't. They'll find ways to sneak into Canada and then they'll come across the Canadian border. Do we want to build a wall across that also? And BTW, if this is about ISIS and Al-Qaida and not about Mexican migrants don't you think the big bad guys are smart enough to try to come across the great northern border as soon as the small southern one becomes dicey? Here's the thing about Mexican migrant workers: they're not taking a single job that an American wants to do at the going wage. The reason they keep coming in droves is that they are willing to work 12 hard hours for $50 cash and there's no chance they're going to go tell anybody if the contractor is making a little on the side by over-billing for materials. If Americans were working, even for minimum wage, at those jobs the numbers of jobs getting done would decline dramatically. The number of workmen's comp cases getting filed would go way up. The number of contractors who couldn't look their neighbors in the face because everybody knew they were grinding down hard working Americans to make their business stay afloat would go way up. To hell with picking lettuce and all that stuff. No American workers are going to do that job for what the migrants get paid. Remember when Americans could make a living wearing a uniform and pumping gas at a service station? Remember when all the guys behind the counter at McDonalds were men, mostly white? Those days are gone too. If you successfully prevent migrant workers from coming over the southern border the economy for many of the poorly paid labor intensive jobs they fill will become very rocky. Like contractors being able to do half the jobs and workers unhappy with the wages and hours anyway. Does anybody think that landscaping is suddenly going to pay $15-20 an hour because there are no Mexicans to do the job? How about street labor? Anybody think any American is going to climb into the back of a pickup for the kind of wages and hours that the migrants accept? The GOP has it's working class electorate in an uproar over something that doesn't mean anything to them in the long run because they're not going to get a single job they want if every Mexican migrant in the country is expelled and no more come in. Really poor people may take those jobs under those conditions, but Contractor Fred and his Ford pickup aren't going to be paying wages that make anybody else get in and it's kind of doubtful they'll go looking in East LA for citizens to work for them. I spent a summer in 1978 making minimum wage working for Manpower, Inc in Philly. Even back then in the hospital laundry rooms and construction sites and industrial mills they sent me and my friends too there weren't many people who would have ever voted for the Republicans. Today the situation would be much worse. The jobs aren't out there. If the GOP working class wants to hop in the back of pickups for minimum wage then by all means, lets' kick the Mexicans out and stop any more from coming in. Those pickups will be fewer than there are now because even minimum wage doesn't keep that small contractor business profitable. Illegal Mexican migrant workers do.
If Rubio really wants to get elected he should say what I just said above and explain why he's not anti-immigration. The problem is that leads into an outsourcing-globalization conversation that neither the GOP nor the Democrats want to have, aside from Bernie Sanders. If either Trump or Sanders does get elected this cycle it's going to be because the political establishment of both parties has been treating the average American like a patsy since 1994.
The Pope needs to be far more considered i. His use of strident language due to the amount of people he is speaking to. I'm quite sure he might be offended if Trump started running on a platform of...executing child molesters, with no appeals for those acting under color of authority. I am Catholic, and have been defending other statements in other forums, but in this case, speaking out for his poor Mexican constituency, means he is also ignoring the very real possibility that the trip from Central America, or Cuba with a potential weapon, across our border is a very real if unspoken threat. Compassion os one thing, and that is the Lords work, safety of a community is the direct province of the Government.
Here's where we can agree sort of, even though you're wrong. In Columbus, landscapers are making 15+ an hour. And they still have to import mexicans. Fact. When I came out here after my divorce started its damn near impossible to find COBOL jobs. I'm a foreman at a local company, and I am one of two Anglos on the job. The other 7 crews and every laborer is an import. I only made 45k last year, but had to work a shitload of hours to do it. And we cant get local people in the office.
And you support deporting 95% of your work force and not allowing any more in the country? The 45k on a ton of hours I believe. That's the American middle class economy now. How much does a house cost where you live? What will it cost to send your kids to college? How much will it cost to pay for their medical care between infancy and 18-22? How much will it cost to feed and clothe them? You're a foreman. What do you think the average worker under you would make if they were middle-class Americans? NAFTA cost us a million plus well paid manufacturing jobs in this country. It was 700k when they ran the numbers more than a decade ago. The unions are in shambles right now and the truth is that whether they were positive for American industry or not they were very positive for America's middle-class workers. The moves to disenfranchise the Teacher's unions are obvious, municipalities want to be able to get rid of middle-aged teachers and hire much cheaper young ones. They want to be just like the corporate world, get promoted or get yanked. The problem is that there is one promotional position available for every twenty teachers. Should teaching become a 7 year career now with rank and yank moving people out before they ever learn how to be a good, let alone great teacher? None of the long-term effects of the global economy have been gamed out well by us. There's lots of talk about retraining and adding value and new emerging growth industries but the facts are that almost all the money that would be used to do that is instead being funneled up the chute to the people at the top of society. They're good at talking the talk but that's all they do. Then everybody is surprised when somebody like Donald Trump comes along and has the working classes ear. Everybody is surprised when a 74 year old self-proclaimed socialist is giving the Democratic establishment everything it can handle and then some as he tilts at their coronation in the making. Bill Clinton said there'd be real pain associated with NAFTA and globalization back when he signed the bill. I don't think he thought that pain would be twisting the American political system in knots and threatening to overthrow a status quo that has existed since at least 1984 and maybe since 1948.
Starting pay under me is 13.35 an hour. The draw back is they get clocked i. And out at the first and the last job so the get screwed out of drive time. The teachers unions deserve to get fucked. This country as spread its ass cheeks way too wide for too many years for a 6 month employee ( note,, my ex wife, and my fiancee were both teachers. )
I know I am not Christian and I don't want to offend any Catholics when I say this but this current Pope is a little schmuck. He talks too much as a pope and he is acting like a pop icon. Kind of an attention whore. I am far from religion. I believe religions are there to suppress people for ages and everyone's connection with God should be one on one. Not thru a Pope or a Priest or an Imam or Sheikh or this and that. So in this quarrel I am siding with Trump. Too bad he is backtracking. He got it right first time when he called out Bush's and he got it right when he called out Pope. Signed: Goat Loving, Pope Hating friendly ghost.