No surprise there. That 42% Petro posted will most likely go down but how much will it go down is the question.
Carson doesn't have Bush's name baggage. Jeb Bush running, considering his name...takes a lot of balls. When Bush the younger ran, the first thing he did was send a message to his fathers inner circle, that their support was welcomed, but their influence was naught. Again, a balls move, but in the end the roght one.
Rubio said it last night then Trump went back and said the first Bush should of listened to the CIA in taking out Osama. EDIT: Trump said Bush #2 CIA told him a attack like the WTC might happen and he did nothing about it.
Straight up comedy this last debate...He said, no what he said nonsense... This audience is such a joke too. Sounds like desperate times for the RNC, which is why the seats were all yelling loudly for Rubio and Bush. I actually liked the angry Trump yesterday. And like I said Kasich is working his butt off to stay in this race. No one cares about Carson anymore.
The RNC probably isn't even sure they're in control of anything any more. The voters are telling them to GTFO this cycle. They're used to voters who are angry at the other guys. This angry villagers carrying pitchforks and torches is new for them. The Dems solved this "problem" in 1982 by making 20% of all delegates to the convention super delegates appointed by the party. The GOP also has super delegates, however they are limited to 3 per state and they are supposed to vote the way the state's voters did. Essentially the super delegates are just free tickets to the convention for the state chairman and 2 RNC members to make sure they are represented. This system worked just fine under the old Reagan Rule of see no evil, hear no evil and especially say no evil about other Republican candidates. Obviously those days are long gone, this cycle making that clear beyond any doubt. The Tea Party was a device the Republicans used to get by the disastrous G.W. Bush Presidency. I doubt they had even an inkling that it couldn't be turned off at will when they began the rehabilitation process, using it to savage Obama and the Democrats because the GOP was in such disrepute among uncommitted voters. Now, they've probably lost the party, as it evolves into several separate parties that may coalesce around common principles again or may not. If they coalesce it will likely be as the Tea Party for awhile and then the Conservative Party. The Know Nothing Party was a player for a cycle or two in the fall of the Whigs and the rise of the Republicans and then it went away. It's possible the party of Chickens for Checkups will follow that path, leading to the Conservatives. It's also possible that the Tea Party will find common ground with the Libertarians and figure out a way to shoehorn in the Religious Right and become the standard bearer of the Right for awhile.
Wow...just wow...please tell me you've taken up drinking, bcc this is the most delusional post you've ever offered. What are the several evolving parties you allude to? You are aware of course, that in the nascent days of his candidacy W eschewed the elites, and beltway influence peddlers? Hence the lack of support from the insiders of his own party.. The Tea party was a reaction to DC politics...the very thing W himself distanced himself from...(do you want a historical schooling on his domestic policy when running for election? Hint third rail)... Fcol
Hobbes, didn't you back Herman Cain once? You're kinda like the kiss of death for GOP candidates man. Who you got this time around?
Backed Bush twice. As of the moment...i have no dog in this foght. My only instinct os to suspect Trump is playing a game no one else is on to yet.
At first I thought trump was just trolling... Upping the ante by saying more and more controversial things to see if people agreed with him but now I think he's right about things. He's dead on right as far as immigration goes. He's not touching things like abortion and gay marriage really because they aren't really important but instead economic concerns and foreign policy. He's really resonating with the issues that really matter and leaving the others to hang their hats on shit that aren't really important
Post debate poll in South Carolina: Donald Trump: 35 percent U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio: 18 percent each Ohio Gov. John Kasich: 10 percent Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson: 7 percent each Undecided: 6 percent and another one: Trump - 33% Cruz - 14% Rubio - 14% Bush - 13% Kasich - 10% Carson - 6% According to that document, Trump leads in every demographic.
So he basically lost some votes, considering he was 45% before the debate. Petro, do you have some recent polls showing Trump goiing against Hillary and Sanders?
The latest Quinnipiac poll (margin of error 2.9%) from February 2-4: Trump - 41% Clinton - 46% Trump - 39% Sanders - 49% PPD (PublicPolicyPolling) from February 2-3: Trump - 40% Clinton - 47% Trump - 42% Sanders - 46%