It's a toe to toe slugfest that will go to the scorecards There's blood everywhere. Only Kasich and Carson are fresh and uninjured
I will vote for Trump if he doesn't utter "We will make America great again" slogan in his closing remarks in this debate.
Trump has balls the size of boulders. Hell, I may vote for him if he keeps telling it like it actually was and is about things like the Iraq Fiasco and Planned Parenthood. BTW, the Republican Party is much smaller than we think it is right now. The Tea Party isn't the GOP. They've become a movement that is almost completely separate from the GOP as a whole. The Libertarians aren't GOP. They vote with them but they're no more GOP than Bernie Sanders is a Democrat. The RINO's? Please... I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP wasn't actually about 25% of the electorate at most right now. That would explain why the establishment candidates have such a hard time breaking 30% combined in the Republican primaries. There is a Tea Party primary going on inside the Republican primary and it is drawing more voters than the establishment. I'm going to have to go do some reading on how the Whigs turned into the Republicans.
Finally somebody mentioned what Iran did. Parading American soldiers. I can't believe how this didn't create a big uproar in America.
We got our sailors back really quickly. The end result is what mattered. The rest is just meh. Once we got the sailors back no ones gonna care about the GOPers bitching about it. Media moved on to next issue.
I couldn't put my finger on it until you said it but I think that's accurate. He really isn't comfortable in this freewheeling primary and he's trying to put the best face on things, sometimes when he shouldn't be. I think his plan was to overwhelm the primaries with his PAC and political machine and the establishment at his back and Trump and Cruz just came out of nowhere and threw down in front of him and he has no idea how to deal with that. He's not a fighter. He's a conciliator.
Weak would be my descriptor of Bush. He'll do what he told and that makes him the establishment choice.
That crowd was definitely stack with establishment loyalists... Was like a high school cheering section for Rubio and Jeb!... But it all failed once again... Trump was awesome on the Iraq war disaster answer and 9/11 (Rubio and Jeb thinking bush kept us safe???? Wtf!!!!)
Two Jeb observations... For the most part, in his act, his brother was playing Cyrano de Bergarac.. Two... If he is going to say GWB kept us safe, he needs to point out that the attacks were planned, and set in motion.....including getting the primary hijackers here...during the Clinton administration. That will get the entire podium to agree...and drive Hillary!ous apeshit.
^lol at Jeb! who is actively trying hard/spending tens of millions tied with Carson who isn't really trying at all.
I wonder how it looks after last night's debate. Trump took shots against W and the fraud Iraq war. Republicans might not like it.
The GOP "insiders" didn't like that: