First SC poll after NH: • Trump: 36.3% • Cruz: 19.6% • Rubio: 14:6% • Bush: 10.9% • Kasich: 8.7%
Damn you numbers!!! Always allowing yourself to be manipulated by half truths!!! Here's a list of 3000 of those comprehensive women's medical facilities in rural areas. I know rednecks get made fun of by northerners bet I respect any woman able to get a pap smear at a podiatrist office. And here's an article about some commie judge who decided that out of the the 2000 family planning providers in Louisiana only 29 of them were actually in the field of women's health!! Stupid Commie Judge, who are you to judge if my momma can go to a dentist for a mammogram?
ben carson is at home on his couch. and he's still kicking Jeb Bush's ass who's spending millions of super pac money each day
You might want to learn to read form 990 filings. Planned parenthood is a dual pronged patronage scam.
So you'd like me to read about a complex system (US tax code), look at the numbers, interpret the motives and legalities for why the numbers are what they are and come to the same speculative conclusion as you? I'm on it bro! When we're done let's me and you figure out this whole religion thing. I'm sure the sunni and the shiites will be happy to find out who was right this whole time about the prophet Mohammed's successor.
He loaned his campaign $124,075.... Raised $90,324 from what are these people doing?
Florida poll from Wednesday: Trump - 48% Cruz - 16% Rubio - 11% Bush - 10% The people who know Rubio and Bush the best don't like them.
I wonder what Trump's appeal is to religious folks. Not easy to explain his dominance in South Carolina polls.
The Religious Right feels abandoned by the GOP at this point. Abortion upheld, Gay Marriage established, even the Death Penalty not looking so good now that the Innocence Project is beginning to get the numbers right for us. Trump doesn't actually fit in as a savior for them on any of those issues but he is a damned good way to kick the GOP establishment in the nuts for all the betrayals and lip service over the years.
He loves guns... All kinds of guns... Really Big Guns... Hoooooge Guns.....Gawddayum Big Assed F'n Guns..
Form 990 is a available online, and is quite simple to read. It shows who gets paid what ,where the. Cash comes from, and how much they have stashed away.