Repeatedly cited as "untrustworthy" in polls and fighting for her political life against an all-star loon. Yeah. I'm WAY off.
Heh. I forgot about that. So, you'd appreciate, this had to be the worst primary cycle of all time. 32 Republican candidates, Hillary spending like crazy - it was just back-to-back-to-back-to-back ads. Embrace the silence.
I am sorry, I was referring to the email bit. Of course she is cited by a larger percentage than is good for her that she is generally untrustworthy. That I do not disagree is the case. After all there is a cottage industry out there that has been trying to undermine her for over 25 years now. But at the same time polls I have seen show most do not think the email business is relevant. I should have been more clear that was what I was talking about.
Your continued and repeated use of those incredibly hurtful and personal taunts of "faker", "copout", "ain't got shit" and "cynic" are just destroying me. If you call me a "ninny" I'm going to put you on Ignore. _
Indeed I do. Truth is, though, the ignore button says less about the poster you're trying to ignore and more about you. You just lack self-control and don't trust yourself to be able to read something you don't like without getting all huffy. If the Internet were a big Junior High, you'd be the kid wearing his bathing suit in the gym showers. Relax. unclick, man. It's 2016. Have yourself a good ol' northfacing boner. It's natural.
And as for the all-star loon business, I think any fair minded person has to admit Sanders is a relatively effective pol. And not by the measure of getting things done, which is why I don't care for him. But he's well spoken, thinks clearly and quickly on his feet, and has a certain appeal. I think he's doing well not only for those reasons but because a sizeable portion of the Democratic base and independents have moved left on such issues as income inequality, political corruption with money dominating races especially following those unfortunate S Ct rulings like Citizens United, dissatisfaction that Obama should have pushed much harder for single payer and the like. People like yourself who live in a right wing bubble do not seem to have noticed that much of the country seems to be moving leftward. It's not my issue, but look at gay marriage. Even look at Trump, who seems to be melding some really left populist positions with his otherwise blend of racist/nativist views and standard GOP economic nonsense. I don't care for Sanders, but an all star loon? You underestimate him and his supporters.
You're projecting. Especially the sex part. Ew... Why do you mods ban people, delete posts, if the theory is everything is worth reading? I quite simply prefer to not see posts rather than scroll through them form posters I know have fuck all to say. And anyway, what's it to you, tough guy? I think you're projecting.
Nice contribution, Mr. Cynic. You add so much here. What's ouch supposed to mean, anyway? A slap on the back to your message board ally? "Yeah, go get him! Hooray!" Message board alliances are for pussies.
Yeah, kids and lesbians with associates degrees. In the end, I'm saying that kids are stupid and Bernie has a team that knows exactly how to exploit those beautifully idiotic masses. Free college for everyone! Millionaires and billionaires! Thats some heady messaging there.
I didn't mean to destroy you. And I thought you liked being seen as a cynic. And I would never call you a ninny. That is not a term I use. Try to toughen up. It's only a message board.
The point is not whether he appeals to you. the point is he appeals to a lot of people having nothing to do with Clinton who, to her credit at least, does not appeal to them as much. The media seemed to be doing him a disservice by ignoring him for a time, but the net effect was that he was able to build a huge following while the GOP and media were focused on Clinton. As a result Sanders has gotten a free pass on explaining how to translate his often valid critique into the worker's paradise.
I just wondering who introduced homosexual lust in the discussion, and it certainly was not me. Nope, no one else did. That would be you.
Best advice I can give you is to log off and try to regroup. It's a long weekend, too. You'll be fine, except for the cynical part. That probably can't be fixed.
Yeah, there's just no magic to it. It's the nature of primary politics to pander. Both sides. Matter of fact, that's the whole point of it - who can dangle the most candy under the nose of the fat kid on your side, and just keep collecting fat kids. In bernie's case, they actually ARE fat kids. Just horrible, terrible, awful women and men tired of getting swiped away on Tinder. Looking for something to be a part of. A Movement. A cause. Because no one invites them to all the cool parties. You can't govern this way of course; pandering to the pliable masses with gifts you can't ever deliver. But what does it matter?! All you need to do is get in the playoff. The Democrat party is actually savvy enough to understand this. Which is why they created the Super-delegate system. To water down the lunacy. Because, to their credit, the adults realize that getting stuck with the Bernie Sanderses of the world would just be a nightmare in a general election. This year, though, they foolishly banked on the inevitability of Hillary. "Ready for Hillary!" The irony of it all - everyone was.