The Republicans have no character or integrity outside of Paul and Kasich, how could they come up with anything better?
The problem the Republicans have is that they went from the Lee Atwater pandering to the Religious Right to the Neocons to the Tea Party pandering to the Libertarians. They have no central identity around which to rally at this point. That lets the loudest and most extreme voices in each area of the party control the debate and people with reasonable ideas get shouted down in the process. RINO means something different to each brand of Republican and there are at least 3 and probably more like 5 brands going at the moment.
I would say that given the prices they charge, they are in VERY high demand. That could be for many different reasons other than discrimination. For some reason, very few women pursue engineering/computer degrees in college. Surely that is NOT because of discrimination. I would generally agree with what you are saying except that it depends a great deal on the degree that is being pursued. The fact that someone should be entitled to a job because they have a Political Science or a Journalism degree is ridiculous, especially when engineering, medical (nursing/physical therapy), and architecture positions are in unbelievably high demand. I would say that someone who is truly trained and skilled in a trade has just as much chance to succeed as someone with a college degree in a major that has little or no demand.
I think there is genuine anger in the Republican Party right now. This is a party that absolutely DECIMATED the Democrats in the 2014 Mid-Term elections. Their voters showed up in droves, and did their role. And what exactly did the party accomplish with a majority Senate and a Veto-Proof house? Diddly/Squat. This is why someone like Trump is doing so well. There is a large sector of the party who is sending a message: You betrayed us, so now it's payback.
Did Kasich defund Planned Parenthood in Ohio? If he did, he can kiss his presidential aspirations goodbye. That would provide all kinds of ammo for Progressives as in one stroke, he'd would have gone from reasonable to just another panderer.
Why does the defunding of Planned Parenthood equate to the elimination of all funding for all Women's health issues?
Kasich Set To Sign Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood Just one of many reasons why a "true conservative" has no chance in the general election. One has to appeal to a much broader spectrum of voters to have a chance there. Whenever someone goes against gay marriage, or any other issues that appeal only to the ultra conservative part of the electorate, they only worsen their chances in the general election.
Not at all. I am all for helping those who are helpless. I just know for a fact that there are other women's health organizations in existence other than Planned Parenthood.
I really don't understand your frustration. I was simply asking a question. I apologize if I offended you in any way.
It's not frustration. All you need to do is look up the alternatives to PP and see why PP is so important to women, especially those of low socioeconomic status
Its what that defunding represents. If I were a woman, that last organization I would trust with my health would be any "woman's health" entity even remotely associated with Conservative Christians. Planned Parenthood provided far more than birth control advice and these other organizations that have the blessings of the Christian Right are also pushing their regressive agenda. Kinda like being against insurance paid birth control but for insurance paid ED meds.
OK, now this is a answer that we can continue a dialogue. So you are saying that all 13,500 + options around the nation, dedicated solely to women's health, provide sub-quality care compared to Planned Parenthood?
52% of the vote is not decimating. That the House is currently gerrymandered in a way that this turned into a huge majority is not relevant. It's true that the House and Senate have been unable to turn majorities into conservative action but that's just payback for the way they cock-blocked the Democrats when the situation was reversed from 2006 to 2010. If you want a chance to try out your ideas you have to give the opponents a chance to try out theirs. The Affordable Care act passed because the Democrats had large enough majorities and the Presidency. Reagan got his plan through in 1981 because it was understood that winning the Presidency meant something in terms of leading the nation. Obama has been blocked in recent years because the Republicans just didn't care enough about the Presidency to let him lead. Obama and Boehner actually came up with a plan that gave conservatives a lot of what they wanted and that was much better long-term than the sequester and the Republicans just gave both of them the armpit and did what they wanted too anyway. The biggest issue facing the GOP right now is that it is impossible to gerrymander the Presidency and the Senate and things are turning in a cycle or two in the Senate based on the seats in play. That means the GOP's ability to get things done will rest with convincing some Democrats to go along with them. Guess what?
Um, could you try a better link for a non partisan group---the Heritage Foundation??? They have an agenda from the very beginning.... Plus some context would help to a giant useless picture.