I've got my pick ready to go but we'll see if it lasts until whenever I pick... shit I hate picking 11th.
That would be a really bad pick. Jean Stapleton (born Jeanne Murray; January 19, 1923 – May 31, 2013) was an American character actress of stage, television and film.
so i PM'd tnjet after making my pick and then he responded to me with his pick. i told him he needed to post it in here, but that was a while ago. lol
Well his 6 hour clock is up at approx. 6:15 so if he doesn't show up just let us know what he said his pick was. If there is any dissension we will deal with it later. I'll send him a PM also to see if he responds.
Guys, to make sure your picks get in make sure to either update the draft thread or PM either Barry, Faux or myself. Don't PM the guy who picked before you or in front of you just in case they don't make it back online before your pick is due.
With the 4th pick in the 1st round TNJet picks Billy Graham, aged 97. Not much in the way of points for age but a solid first pick if shooting for the 10 point bonus for 1st death. Updated the draft thread and PMed DownAndOut.
I'm setting up Google alerts for all the picks, should be able to keep on top of things as death comes knocking.
I think the strategy should be singles, not homers. What's the odds Jaden Pinkett Smith dies? As much as we'd all root for it. _