ftr, cam's play 60 commercial with the little kid saying he is going to be cam's mom's favorite player is great. have no problem with the kid. there are a lot worse people in the league(looking at you brady)
Cam isn't the only player on the Panthers, they also have a top D. I didn't say anything bad about his ability. He's a great player, he just doesn't seem serious at times. Doesn't celebrating after every first down, waste time off the play clock? I think Brandon Marshall said it best when he said he wouldn't want his QB dancing around after first downs, he'd rather have a guy that goes right back to the huddle focusing on the next play. A first down is useless if you don't score. That is the goal of the offense. I'm one of the folks that actually enjoys endzone celebrations, and I actually want to see them allowed to do more. But celebrating every first down is overboard when you are supposed to be running the offense. Sacks are much more rare than first downs, so celebrating is understandable. I don't see any other QBs taking it to that level. That isn't subliminal racism, that's the facts. If it costs the Panthers a delay of game penalty in a crucial spot in the super bowl, I will not be surprised. I think it's much more generational than racial. Yeah there are certainly the bigots out there, but then again there are also tons of people claiming that the criticism is just because he's black. That is a completely unsubstantiated claim that is also inherently racist. People play the race card every single time any minority is criticized, whether it's justified or not. Believe it or not, many black people criticize Cam as well. Damn racists.
The guy's team went 15-1 in the regular season and just curb stomped the Seahawks and the Cardinals in the playoffs and is about to win the Super Bowl. Any Jets fan who pretends they have an issue with how he celebrates on the field is an idiot.
I'm sorry, but that "song" had absolutely nothing to do with THC dabs. He even says at the end that it's about fashion. Read the lyrics, it is explained within the song (if you can even call it that). Here they are talking about dabbing, yet nobody is doing THC dabs or even mentioning a single thing related to them. There is one guy smoking a joint in the background, these guys aren't dabbing wax. See how they look down at the shoes? It's more about fashion and getting laid. Dab is basically the new swag, the dance move pose is just part of it.
We like our black QB's uncharasmatic and stiff like Geno. Makes us think he's less black. But put me down for 10 dancing receivers.
The latest polls show Tom Brady as the most hated QB in the NFL. That pretty much debunks all this racial BS. It's about actions, not skin color. Russel Wilson is a class act and is often praised. Tom Brady is known for spygate and deflate gate , everybody hates him. Yes, he is even more hated than Michael Vick, the guy that illegally fought dogs to death. Explain that one to me. Does that make all black people who criticize Brady, subliminal racists? Brady is way worse than Newton. And yes, JJ Watt is still a clown.
Russell Wilson ain't no threat to white people cuz he don't dance you know. You can't be black, a QB and dance. You can only choose two of the three or else our racism will rage!
True Puerto Ricans were eliminated by the Spaniards when they colonized what is known as PR. So we have to take them off the list, if you have a Puerto Rican that married your daughter then he is really a Spaniard. Now you can breathe a little easier, or whoever marries a Puerto Rican(Spaniard)
I'm rooting for the Broncos,,,,,,Cam does some good things,,,but I would rather a guy be more like Barry Sanders than Cam Newton , that's my take .
Where do I fit in on the racist scale? I hated Cam in college because I hate all things SEC. But I like him in the NFL because he's a great player not on a team I despise. Was I racist only when he was in college or have I not fully expelled my racism and could relapse if he goes to the Pats, Bills, Dolphins or Steelers?