Pitbulls are by far the most likely dog to attack and maim somebody, particularly a child. Again, that's likely due to the fact that the group of people who have Pitbulls includes more people looking for trouble than owners of other breeds. The large majority of these are pits.
Pound for pound Chihuahuas are worse. I call them pocket sharks and you'll lose fingers if you don't watch it.
that's because of moron humans......INHERENTLY there is NOTHING in a pit bull that makes them bite or attack more than any other breed. As a matter of fact they are far less likely. And while we're on the topic for those who are REALLY clueless, not saying you, they don't have some crazy bite PSI, they don't even have the hardest bite, and their jaws don't magically lock like some other idiots think...their brains don't grow outside of their skull ( yes this is also an actual rumor that has been spread)
You say they're far less likely to attack than any other breed yet the facts show they bite more and are more catastrophic when they do bite. There's a reason people started breeding these dogs to fight and it's not because they're gentle creatures. Obviously a bad owner is going to be a problem, but from all I know this guy was as fine a dog owner as his pit bull was a fine dog. Then one day the thing just snapped, and when they snap the results can be devastating. I realize "my" experience is anecdotal, but it really stuck with me when it happened. I hope you never have any issues with your dogs.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but why are pit bulls far less likely to bite or attack then any other breed? I have a golden, she doesn't even know she has teeth. And if an intruder broke in she'd lick him to death. _
Go with a mix breed if you can. The pure-breeds tend to have more health problems. We had to put our 4 year old lab down when she got cancer. Mixes are the way to go
C'mon toothpaste man. Humans and dog are best buds. I can feed a fish but it won't give a fuck about me.
Seems that the pattern is that Pits go after the really old or really young. I could not in good faith ever get a pit bull.
They're less likely to bite because of their temperament. They don't bite a lot, simply put. They consistently rank in the top ten in temperament tests. Top ten meaning good temperament. This isn't just a pit bull owner saying this, it's fact. Look it up. The German Sheplard was once the bad guy. The Doberman. The Rottweiler. Now it's the pit bull, though people are coming around to the fact that it's not the breed. The Pit bull was the number one family pet in the 30s 40s and 50s. Petey the pit bull in little rascals. All that shit. Then white trash and gang bangers started injexting them with steroids and other drugs, starving them and teaching them to fight.
But your chances are alot better going against a Yorkie that snaps vs a Pitbull that does. And these cases are outliers, but it does have validity.
Was trying to find a study that showed them top 10 in temperament. Can't imagine they have a better temperament than Goldens and Irish Setters and a whole host of truly dopey dogs. And while I agree that it's the shit owners that produce violent dogs, I'm not sure all the gang bangers in Compton could turn a species like Golden Retrievers into vicious maulers. _
Dude just google pit bull temperament. You might Not find top ten listings but you'll see on every website AKC etc how wonderful their temperament is for families and kids. It's literally all over the interwebz bro