Have you ever talked to guys who are very promiscuous and had them tell you the very first one was the most specialist woman ever? No? Because it's fucking make believe. _
I'm not sure, but there were a couple of times a woman, possibly a tad more promiscuous than average, may have said that I was particularly special. But that was probably a long time ago. Are you trying to tell me they didn't mean it, or was it just that old god-given Love Potion Number Nine working on them?
When you start having sex then you can attempt to lecture others on the subject, until that time you should have nothing to say on the subject. And only those that have been brainwashed into thinking masturbation is an abomination feel like crap afterwards, the other normal part of society feel good about and that is why they do it. Don't you find it funny that the only time you can back up your posts with a source it is some church backed study? We went over masturbation probably 100 pages back and you were proven wrong then and you are still wrong.
I don't know how he thinks he should be talking about sex as if he knows something. I know if I had never driven before I would not try to tell people how to drive.
When ever I see one of those types that have a big gold cross like that or an expensive watch I feel like slapping the shit out of them. Not that it should bother me but I just think of the people they fleeced to get that stuff.
If they were paying taxes like they should be required that would probably put $100 Billion in the coffers for the politicians to divvy up among themselves, er I mean put towards beneficial programs.
It sounds funny, but if you study the biology and psychology involved in the process, you will discover that's exactly what is happening.
*- see Benny Hinn- bullshit faith healer, literally robs the poorest of people and the richest, and the sick too. Joel Osteen, and the like, the real jesus if he existed, would kick these motherfuckers down a flight of steps and beat them with a tackhammer, and rightly so!
$52.7 Million, the value of 6 Cardinals and Archbishops homes, keep tithing Truth, they need bigger mansions. Fucking frauds.