There was no sense of urgency. They needed two touchdowns with 5 minutes left. And instead of running a no huddle, they were huddling up every play, making substitutions, and waiting to snap the ball until the clock nearly ran out. It was really awful.
race baiters and race victimizers depend on society being afraid to dispute the accusation of racism out of fear of simply being labeled racists themselves. once you aren't afraid to call them on their bullshit they have no argument and worse no identity.
Chiefs got to the Patsies 1 yd line with 2:33 and 3 to's left, and scored with 1:13 left, if they scored fast they could have kicked off
He's a good coach who can beat teams in the playoffs when he has the clear better team. But when the teams are comparable he seems to always come up short. How many NFCCC's did he lose...and at home?
A lot of articles on the subject (each time the Packers fleece their fans). • You don't get money. What the Packers are offering is Common Stock, which isn't stock as most people understand it. It can't go down, it can't go up, you can't sell it, and you can't cash in. On the front page of their Offering Document, the Packers make this distinction quite clear: COMMON STOCK DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN INVESTMENT IN "STOCK" IN THE COMMON SENSE OF THE TERM. PURCHASERS SHOULD NOT PURCHASE COMMON STOCK WITH THE PURPOSE OF MAKING A PROFIT. Even if the team should ever be sold, shareholders will not receive a slice of the purchasing price, or even get their initial investments back. Any profits from the sale of the team will go to the Packers' charitable foundation in Green Bay. (Until 1997, the beneficiary of a billion-plus dollar sale would have been the local American Legion post.)
That's crazy. But you know countless people will do it.. I just pay my taxes and claim I own the team cuz stuff like stadium renovations uses up tax money, and I only live 20 minutes from GB, so I'm pretty sure I'm included in that.
Or the places that supposedly sell you naming rights to stars. You're not buying anything. You get a meaningless piece of paper that has no value. As I recall, in the last batch the Packers issued, they misspelled Green Bay. It was exactly like a 5 year old with a crayon. He can draw you a picture and say GB OWNER.
They've sold a ton of them. I'm not sure if there's a count kept anywhere. Every time they want more money they do it.
HAHA good info to know...makes the feel good story about the Packer's being community owned seem sleazy.