I actually would be more likely to follow them if they moved to a smaller market like Omaha over LA or Texas.
To me, if they left the metro area, I'd be done with them. A big reason I got into them were they were a NY team (okay Jersey, but forget the technicalities) and they aren't the Giants. When the NJ Nets left for Brooklyn, I was totally done with them. Not just because they left NJ, but they turned into a different organization entirely. I knew once those geezers from Boston they sold the farm for would get too old, then they'd be up shits creek. I digress, but if the Jets moved, I would foresee some screwed up reasons for the organization for wanting to do so.
But what about when the Nets left Long Island for New Jersey? Were you okay with those carpetbaggers then?
lib, sorry for going off toward your post yesterday. it really wasn't you who got me to that point. I had read so many posts about how it wasn't ever going to happen that I was annoyed. should've just let it slide and not been a dick. or at least been a little more civil about it. my apologies.
Wouldn't care at all. I don't go to the games anyway because the current stadium and stadium location sucks. I don't see it happening anyway especially with LA now being off the table.
I live in Texas, so I can't go to games right now anyway. But if they left and went to a city I've been to and like ... and kept the name "Jets" and colors (green and white) ... I'd remain a fan. Los Angeles Jets (where I used to live)? Yup. Las Vegas Jets? Yup. San Antonio Jets (3 hour drive from my house)? Yup. St. Louis Jets? Nope. San Diego Jets? Nope.
Dead to me. I wouldn't be a fan of a particular team, but I would always root against the "Jets" or whatever the fuck their name would be.
I would be done with them, and most likely football. I think Woody could do this one day. The way they got railroaded out of the west side stadium, the Giants taking most of the publicity being the more popular and successful team. Have his own stadium, and not have to compete with another in the same town. he would do much better money wise and fan wise being the only game in town.
I would prefer the Jets move to Aruba. When (if?) they ever get a home playoff game, it'd make for a GREAT escape! Who's in??? I'll write the letter.
They were originally the New Jersey Americans from 1967, but I also wasn't born then so I have no idea what that was like. But its not just NJ that got screwed out of a team, the Islanders fans have to travel farther because Brooklyn is the "IT" place, even though those fans are the heart and soul of the team.
This is surprising to me. I honestly had never thought of it like that. Maybe because I am from New York, I consider the NY part of the Jets the* actual brand and not the Jets part. But idk, maybe you guys are from NY. If they became the New York Janitors I'd still support them, maybe even purchase one of the team sponsored mops. But if they were anything else Jets. that's a no/go... bye bye
Would never happen but I think I would. Who else would I root for? The Giants? Never in a million years.