With teams leaving St. Louis, San Diego and Oakland eventually... I was wondering what you all would do if the Jets were to leave NY/NJ and head out to another part of the country. Say they become...San Antonio Jets, Portland Jets, Oklahoma Jets, etc... What would you do as a fan of this team? Would you continue to be a fan and follow them there? Stop being a fan of the NFL? Become a Giants or Bills fan? or some other team? What would you do?
Absolutely not. I'd be a neutral fan until a new team comes in, or I move somewhere with a team that isn't the Pats, Steelers, Bills, or Phins.
I wish I had the ability to just get up and move to a place with a different team if that ever happened...But I am a New Yorker for life
If I left I'd always be a fan. If Woody took the team somewhere else I'd wanna drop him somewhere between Raqqa and Mosul....for real
Thanks to the Sunday Ticket, if you really wanted to stay a fan of the Jets, you could. I think for the most part, they'd lose this fanbase very quickly.
Depends where they're moving to. If it's LA (the hypothetical which probably gave you this idea), then Go Giants. Hopefully won't ever happen.
Moving the NFL's 6th most valuable franchise out of the biggest market in the country makes no sense. But I would stick with the team and follow them out in LA (or where ever). I could never switch to the Giants. If a new team came in eventually to replace them I could get down with that, but I will never root for the Giants.
The question would be "Are they still the Jets?" Say they moved to Los Angeles and became the LA Jets, I think I would still be a fan. If they moved to Los Angeles and became the Los Angeles Dragons, I would say no.
I don't support the green team from New Jersey, I support the 'Jets' franchise/operating company/group in much the same manner as I prefer Coca-cola over other brands or BA over other airlines. So as long as they are the Hartford Jets, Portland Jets, Shanghai Jets or whatever then I'm still aboard.