I really don't get this. Bush has been doing the same thing and look where he's in the polls. Did they think her speech would have a different impact?
The more the establishment tries to fight Trump the more it makes me want to vote for him, and I'm really not a fan of his. Fuck the establishment. Why should we give a fuck what some assholes that don't do what they were voted in to do say about someone else running? You're fired. I didn't watch the state of the union because I can't stand listening to that douche bag talk.
Cruz: Trump 'embodies New York values' http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/265712-cruz-trump-embodies-new-york-values I don't understand this attack line...
Jordan’s King Abdullah to Blitzer: Not ‘Fair’ To Ask a Foreign Leader About Trump During an Election Even the king of Jordan says that you can't just let all the "refugees" in, as they do in Europe and the way Obama/Clinton want to do it here....
So, Trump just pretty much confirmed what I said earlier in this thread... it's the White House or nothing for him.
Trump's answer with 9/11 was perfect. Who ever thought that NY values was a good attack should be fired ASAP.
I don't think that NY values comment really hurt Cruz as much as people say it does. Candidates bring up 9/11 every 10 minutes. Cruz is killing it tonight and absolutely slaughtered Trump. That was the first time I've seen Trump actually get stumped this entire primary.
And Cruz gets ripped by Rubio, who is also a liar, but seeing Cruz's face and response was worth the price of admission to this carnival.
i am pretty sure that he is going after the way that the liberals in NY run that state and NYC have run it into the ground, which is clearly evident in how so many working class people are leaving the state every year for other states, and with that he is trying to out Trump as a typical NYC liberal, which I believe that he is. And who cares anyway, its not like he was gonna win that shithole state in the primary or the general if he was to be the nominee.
He prolly should have worded it better, but then again who cares, he has zero chances of winning any northeastern states in the primaries and this was a good way to get his name put in the news headlines.
A princeton graduate and spouse of a goldman sachs partner criticizing new york values. Are people really dumb enough to fall for this guys' bullshit?
What surprised me the most last night was the sudden rhetoric change from pretty much all Fox News "experts." After the debate was over most of them said Trump was the most electable candidate and pretty much dismissed all the establishment ones. Even Megyn Kelly hardly said a bad word about Trump afterwards. I wonder what's going on there.
Fox News is recognizing what has been clear to just about everybody else for at least 2 years, which is that the GOP establishment has no party to run from at the moment? The Tea Party has taken over the Republican space in the electorate. The GOP establishment players that remain are there because they have no place else to go.