We have confirmed "Top Secret" emails that were definitely on her private server, which is illegal and according to this article there is public corruption charges which could be coming. I wonder when it all boils down, who is going to have to fall on their sword to save Hillary. Of course Hillary says that the investigation of public corruption charges are completely untrue but how would she know? Are they keeping her updated with the investigation as it progresses?
The only person that can make her president is Donald Trump, who is probably collecting a shitload of money from Bill and Hillary through offshore accounts.
Any of the GOP candidates can make her president. Outside of Rubio, none of them will garner the minority vote.
At this point, Hillary, Trump, or Cruz would be infinitely better than Rubio...Fuck that Rubio, flip flops on everything, sells himself out to highest bidder, doesn't show up to work, damn neocon, and a complete sleaze ball. I hope the GOP voters don't hesitate away from Trump or Cruz come next month...
Yeah ok, keep listening to MSM. The only GOP candidate who can attract the minority vote just happens to be the only establishment candidate who's still relatively high in the polls. Sure.
If I was a GOP voter, I'd be pretty pissed at the GOP party as they haven't done anything for the average GOP voter. Last major thing they did was that budget deal that increased the deficit by $800 billion the next decade with its giveaways to all sorts of industries. The GOP party bitches and complains about the debt and deficit...While they control the power of the purse, guess what they do, they deficit spend. It doesn't take an education to figure out that the current GOP establishment is useless.
Ditto. Just goes to prove my point that someone such as yourself needs an internet forum to validate themselves.
Fox news and Breitbart. LMAO!!! Faux news that right wing fanatics want to hear. I expect these reports will not hold up.
I am. What of it? Do you deny that the GOP caters to the reactionary white vote? Yes, heretofore they also have catered to the rich and the pro-business. But that coalition seems to be coming undone.
Fox News and Breitbart as opposed to what? CNN and Huffington Post? Those two are surely more reliable, right?