Listen peeps, I think it isn't nice to make fun of Brady's deflated balls. I hear this is a serious condition....
I haven't taken statistics for a long time, but I remember when you get one result that is way off from the mean that means there's a significance to it. Meaning that there is probably something like an outside influence that's given the Patriots a leg up. 31 other teams are trying their best to prevent fumbling, but somehow the Patriots hold onto the ball leaps and bounds better than the #2 team? Is someone a statistician here? Maybe you can put this to rest.
You're talking about the standard deviation. But to measure this accurately you need to have data corresponding to different variables - not just by team. But let's say you do rank everyone by number of fumbles and team. New England is 5th. Not an outlier.
I'll just leave this here: "The Patriots have consistently led the league in plays that are associated with low fumble rates, including kneel downs, plays in opponent territory, and plays when holding a lead." As much as Jets fans want to pin this on "deflated" footballs, you can't.
Using the entire lot of footballs, pats plays per fumble is 74.2 this year.......reduction from last year....... 14 fumbles, 7 lost Brady had 6
Whatever fits your arguement Still doesn't exonerate or answer what Deflator was doing on film entering bathroom after stealing the balls. Marginal cheating across the board assisted Pats for over a decade, it adds up to holistic gains
dead and buried? there will be a trial in a couple months. long term systemic cheating doesn't just go away, sorry..
He beings it up because it's important to him to reconcile NEPs as a good clean franchise Still looking for acceptance
This was one angle that people used as evidence of the influence of deflating footballs. The other angle, the performance of Tom Brady, has already been disproved with another stellar campaign. 36 TDs, 7 INTs, 4,770 yards.
If you look at the graph in the link, they went from 105 plays per fumble to 74.2 plays per fumble this year. That's positive evidence that they were deflating the balls and that it did matter.
Again, this isn't really going to solve the argument one way or another. Players fumble the ball. How many players had significantly different roles or snaps due to injury this year? I don't have a problem with Brady being one of the reasons the Pats don't fumble much any more than I had a problem with Curtis Martin being one of the reasons the Jets didn't fumble much during his tenure. Some guys are thinking, ball, ball, ball, all the time and those guys both cause more fumbles on defense and prevent more on offense. I think this is unlikely to be related to the deflated balls issue, although it is very possible the Pats have gained some benefit from deflated footballs over the years. You give Geno or Mark Sanchez a deflated football and it just means the ball will bounce less when it hits the ground.
Really, it isn't necesarily evidence of either. Not that I'm defending those cheating scumbags, mind you.
At this point how do we know they aren't doing something ELSE outside the rules they haven't been flagged on yet?
The smartest guys in the room. So smart that they are in the heads of 31 other franchises and their fans. Keep it up.
But in the absence of evidence to the contrary...kind of like science not disproving God, therefore....GOD! _
I really don't care about this anymore, but since you brought it up... (1) The "evidence of the influence of deflating footballs" had nothing to do with fumble rates or Brady's performance. Both of those were clear distractions and no one really believes that deflating footballs had a significant impact on the Pats-Colts game. Instead, deflating footballs matters b/c doing so after the referees checked the footballs is a complete violation of league protocol and certainly counts as "cheating" in the modern definition of the word. (2) The evidence was based on video evidence, very explicit cell phone text records, somewhat-questionable psi evidence, the creation of a good deal of reasonable doubt after Brady destroyed his cell phone, and ultimately an investigation that put the likelihood of blame on the team and Brady (which wasn't evidence enough for a Brady-specific punishment). In the end, it doesn't really matter. Brady gets to keep playing and the Pats still lose a 1st rounder this year. If its a 32nd pick that you lose, feel free to come back and gloat as much as you want, though.