I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread. Maybe we'll see more threads like it if we happen to lose next week. I guess that'll be my consolation prize.
We'll know if we're the same ol' Jets next year if there's a total regression and we end up 4-12 with no explanation.
We won't lose. We're gonna win the fucking Super Bowl. I'm glad this team is getting hot and healthy at the right time.
Nope we were NOT respected after SB3. Most of the so called "experts" just considered that win a blip on the radar screen. That being said it would probably take 2 or 3 SBs wins say in 5/7 years before we would be respected. If we won #50 it would again be considered by the so called "experts" to be another blip on the radar screen IMHO
2015 has not been the Same Old Jets at all. However, there is still time for it to happen. Say, the Broncos/Steelers/Chiefs lose their final 2 games and the Jets still miss out by doing the same:THAT would be Same Old Jets.
I'm laughing my ass off reading this thread between the great gifs and the comments. Keep 'em coming, guys!
Bingo! ...but as for now, no, not the same old Jets based on the top ten offense alone. I'll add to your scenario too; if we all of a sudden got a top 10 offense and the defense inexplicably dropped to bottom 10 THAT would be same old Jets.
It's not so much the won/lost record that has carved the "Same Old Jets" mantra in stone, it's how the team wins and loses, and who they beat or lose to. Winning ugly has been in the DNA of this team for decades and so are the spectacular wins like the Monday Night Miracle. Of course that never would have happened if the "Same Old Jets" didn't play the first half of that game. Also in the DNA are the fourth quarter collapses and getting shellacked by the dregs of the league. The only SOJ component missing this year has been the frequency of mind-numbing bonehead plays we've come to expect. Any long term fan has never been comfortable in a close game until the clock has spit out the final "0:00" because they've seen all too many times a guy in green give a game away. That's the "Same Old Jets."
. Four game winning streak with NE coming in and all you can come up with is this useless SOJ b.s. which isn't surprising given this 'Geno gem' of yours in the "Probs to Fitz" thread:
Sorry Ralebird U must be a real youngie & I mean a real youngie. The SOJs comes from season 1969 & forward where we have been total LOSERs since the winning of SB3. Stats & how we lost has nothing to do it with it. Kindly remember that winning is everything & we have not been winners since the 1969 season. Do the math & that comes out to 46 years of not winning anything. Sorry but that is the only thing that matters WINNING the SB which is why each season is played when you sit down & rationally think about it.
Also every player, coach, owner, and ballboy who didn't win a superbowl every single year they were in the league is a loser and not worthy of ever having existed.
Some great responses here. But seriously... SOJ seemed to have been buried at times in the past. Like how even losing that champ game in Denver, I and many thought the Jets would come back as contenders and be maybe even favored to win it all. But nope. Then there were the two in a row champ game appearances under Ryan. but nope. If 2015 turns out to be the year false hopes are not dashed in the ensuing year(s), I think we look back and see how it was Bowles, Fitz and especially Marshall who brought in the attitude to finally kill SOJ.