It appears some woman drove up onto a sidewalk and ran over a bunch of people several dead, more injured, not sure of numbers
What was this abt oh yea... Whenever someone posts an article here I end up clicking on the linked crap to some random slideshow... This time it was 17 creepy family photos.
another article on this, they're saying she did it on purpose. Hopefully this isn't the new "thing" for psychos to do.
There was a rash of drunk mothers going in the wrong direction on the highway around here recently. Almost every time they had their kid(s) in the car. Even more frightening is that more than a few times they had other peoples kids in the car as well. Statistically speaking you are probably right.
it had to be on purpose she drove onto the sidewalk and then kept going, plowing over as many people as she could guess she didn't have a gun
That Oklahoma lady did this a few months ago at that college football parade... Just great, another way for these morons to go out.
It's an area I obviously know very well and corner I have been on too many times to count. One of the darker sides of Vegas is it's an area many people come to end it all but this woman didn't seem to have that intention (for her away). Something really sinister is going on with her, probably another case of mental illness and just a terrible human being thrown in as well.
Half your links end up demanding me to join something. And there's no way to bypass the demands. This one has a giant Breitbart overlay.
Hmmm....when the traffic gets to heavy in Vegas these days I guess most psycho women just make a lane on the sidewalk
doesn't happen for me. I'm noticing websites getting more and more aggressive with ads in general though. makes me want to punch a baby.
Yeah, she only killed one person, with a car. If she had a gun she would have killed many times more.
She probably would have killed more people with a gun, or if she was driving faster. It doesn't matter. Another sick fuck taking away innocent lives. There are a handful of people still in critical condition btw. We need to bring back mental homes. It's worth the cost.
I totally trust the government to determine who should be put in a mental home and when they are well enough to get out.