Exactly. There is no place for that shit. I don't know how to post videos, but here are the GIFs. https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/D2...p4?versionId=GAcgvUEiA5GXgT2nWym73h07puYz4S.H http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...-panthers-cb-josh-norman-scuffle-on-the-field
I love to see Piits ville all upset They haven't shown that big gorilla Mike Tomlin with that angry puss on Oh lol there he is
Seems like bullshit that taking a swing, even a pussy little swipe that doesn't connect, is an auto-eject, but a deliberate headshot after the play with the energy of your full body weight and a head of steam behind it is just 15yds and play on.