What's emotional? And where did the "can of pop" come from? Who ever spoke of disarming anyone? I think you may have been into the egg nog this week. Oh, and it's soda - it's not fuckin' "pop!"
Oh stop. You played the emotional innocent card. And if we're stretching for innocence, soda is "pop". _
Soda isn't pop around here, but call it what you want. I think you're confused about the "emotional innocent card", where do you believe it was I who pulled any of that? And again, where are you getting the "disarm" thing from?
http://www.nbc-2.com/story/30825095/restaurant-employee-shoots-kills-would-be-robber#.Vnv1DRUrLIU employee of the month for sure
The more commonplace stories like this become, the less comfortable I am in society overall. I've got no problem with guns. I hunt. I go to the shooting range for fun. The whole "good guy with a gun" thing baffles me, though. This is not the wild west. And even in the wild west, people were (usually) required to check their guns at the door of the saloon. (I'm looking at you, Arizona.) The more people who have guns, the less safe everyone is. This is what the data says: Owning a gun is far more likely to hurt you than protect you, and a lot of the NRA-sponsored talking points are simply not true. That's just fact that has been backed up again and again and again: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24054955 http://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/abs/10.2105/AJPH.2013.301409?journalCode=ajph& http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16434012 http://econweb.tamu.edu/mhoekstra/castle_doctrine.pdf http://www.annemergmed.com/article/S0196-0644(12)01408-4/abstract http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/9715182/ Not that anyone should be surprised. The NRA has less to do with protecting people's gun rights and more to do with making money for the gun manufacturers. If that weren't the case, they wouldn't have lobbied so hard to outlaw research on gun violence. Can't have those profits -- er, I mean rights -- mucked up by facts and reality. I don't have a gun in my house. I have three young children. I have already taught the oldest how to handle guns properly and what to do if he comes across a gun. The other two are too young to understand. But if I did have a gun, it'd be under such strict security in the house that it'd be almost useless to me in the case of a burglary/robbery in the middle of the night. I'd probably be better off shouting "Police are on their way!" So it's not that I don't want to "protect my family." I'm doing what I feel is the right thing by my family based on real-world statistics, not paranoid wannabe-macho-man fantasies. The problem is that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy in many ways (just like so many of these paranoid delusions) -- if everyone else actually DOES start bringing guns into public places, we ARE all going to be better off carrying a gun because the chance that someone does something stupid/crazy with a gun in public has increased dramatically. Either that, or I just start staying home.
that's strange,i always hunt with a semiautomatic and i never go to the range and yell "yeehaw" and the gun has never killed anyone. how do you explain that?
Agree to disagree. On Writing, Duma Key, Lisey's Story, Just After Sunset, and his new collection are all pretty solid. He's on point with guns though. But the NRA and gun manufacturers can't help but want to make money.
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/l..._Gun_owner_saved_cop_from_attack_by_kids.html i bet that cop is happy a gun owner didn't have the "leave it to the professionals" attitude.
Yeah let's not even mention the guy who was fearful of a mass shooter in a theater that he brought his own, and it managed to go off and shoot a woman. He left the scene of the crime of course because he was an ignorant coward. How many more of these incidents will we see or ones that haven't even been reported? This isn't the Wild West.
Find the good guy in this story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...pistol-from-nightstand-fatally-shoots-sister/
The reason these 'good guy with a gun' stories are reported is because they are so rare. There are so many more deaths as a result of negligence with guns in the household and so they just aren't reported. It's just known that people fuck up, because well, guns kill people.