So it starts rather light hearted, and gets darker/deeper? Sounds like Breaking Bad! (I can only hope.)
Empire was directed by different dudes. They took it to a darker place. It was awesome. Then Lucas got full of himself again and gave us teddy bears that speak tagalog.
Rumor has it, the Ewoks have become the turkey of the Galactic universe. The rebels celebrate the death of Vader every year on a holiday called "Thanksgiving" and feast upon some Ewok. They are nearly extinct
So Lucas directed A New Hope (the original) and had such a hard time with it that he decided f that, I'm not directing again and he hired this older director kershner who was like an anti-Hollywood type...
Saw TFA last night. Really enjoyed it. I'll stay spoiler and discussion free until more have seen it. I think the hardcores will be pleased.
The Empire Strikes Back is by far the best of the 3. A New Hope is also great, and Return of the Jedi (I know the hardcore fans will not like this) kind of sucked. It had a good opening sequence rescuing Han, and the Luke/Vader scenes are great, but besides that: fluff. I say this after re-watching all 3 this week. The Force Awakens belongs with them though. Hats off to JJ Abrams.
I have a special place for Jedi...Even those Ewoks are things I can bear, that last duel and Vader's turn get me.
Han Solo is like 70 years old and he's still wearing that same fucking outfit he was wearing in the very first movie. JJ Abrams: "See?! This is like the OLD Star Wars movies!!!! It's nothing like the Jar Jar Binks Star Wars movies!!!! BB-8 even has the same head as R2D2!!! It's the SAME!!!"
Avatar got nominated because the underlying plot was humans are bad environment destroyers and we should all do mushrooms and paint ourselves blue and have sex in the forest. Hollywood loves that liberal bullshit.
Considering that A New Hope is just a re-telling of pretty much every epic hero story ever told (which has itself been done countless times over), I don't know why that'd be a big fear. And I agree that it's done well enough to make the similarities not matter.
Thought it was very good. Loved that the look and feel of it was reminiscent of the original trilogy. Agree that the narrative was a little too similar to the original film (I refuse to call it A New Hope). It came across a little too contrived I think. Hopefully this trilogy can go its own way now, although I think everyone can tell where one particular story arc is going to end up.
I really didnt think it was SOO much like the original. It had its uniqueness to it, sure there were part reminiscent.It had hints of homage.
I wish it was more like the original then maybe I would have liked it. As it stands, none of the new characters were interesting at all other than Kylo Ren, the plot not only weak but forces you to abandon any sense of plausibility completely. I'm hard pressed to say it was better than any of the prequels, just bad in different ways.
I actually saw it at a 9 AM showing on Saturday with a buddy of mine (who, for some strange reason, wanted to see what it would be like to see a movie in the morning at this new time slot the theater added), and while I was worried that the theater would be filled with little kids making noise and possibly spreading their cold germs around, I was relieved to find that it looked like a typical audience and that everyone was quiet. And with all of the rave reviews building expectations sky high, I was also prepared to be let down a little bit. But as it turns out, everyone is right on with their reviews, the movie was great!! In fact, to revise my previous rankings, I would put it 4th in the series, just a shade or 2 below the original trilogy, it's really that good! 1. Star Wars, original 1977 masterpiece (the subtitle "A New Hope" was added later) 2. Return of the Jedi 3. Empire Strikes Back . . 4. The Force Awakens . . ...and far, far behind... 5. Episode 2, The Clone Wars 6. Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith 7. Episode 1, The Phantom Menace