But Trump has been a failure in tons of his businesses. Dude failed at the USFL. He dreams big, swings for the fences and honestly this guy could care less for the lower and middle class. I wouldnt vote for any of these guys if there was someone better...Problem is there is no one better coming as of now. Trump committing to Republican party I think is a bold move, it is very interesting to see Fox News right now try to position themselves in this GOP race. They hate that they have to talk about Trump as a valid candidate.
I care about my future and these GOP candidates won't improve my future. The Democrats are all banking on Hillary and she is mediocre at best. Republicans going after her and calling her the worst thing alive and same for Obama is just crazy. Maybe it's just politics, but I fear we are in a country filled with stupid idiots who are rallying behind the Trump hype. Banning Muslims in this country, like wtf is that? lol GOP candidates want World War 3
What did he say then? http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-calls-for-ban-on-muslim-entry-into-u-s-1449526104 Donald Trump evoked outrage from across the political spectrum Monday by calling for a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the U.S., a proposal that taps into voter anxiety about the recent spate of terrorist attacks yet likely runs afoul of religious freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. “It is obvious to anybody the hatred [among Muslims] is beyond comprehension,” Mr. Trump said. “Where this hatred comes from and why, we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.” His campaign said he would keep the ban intact “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” including the facts around the two attackers who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif., last week. Syed Rizwan Farook, a U.S. citizen, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, a legal immigrant who had a green card, were killed in a shootout with the police after the massacre. In an interview on Fox News, Mr. Trump said he would ease the ban in the case of Muslims serving in the U.S. military and allow them to return home. -- Donald Trump said Monday as president he would halt all Muslim immigration to the United States. The Republican presidential frontrunner announced in a press release he wants a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” This includes tourists planning to visit the United States as well as Muslim-American citizens now abroad.
He said he'd temporarily stop Muslims from entering the country until our broken system could figure out what the hell is going on and who's safe and who's not. Whether it's constitutional or not is another question but right now it seems like pretty much anyone can get here and something has to be done. Trump's ideas might be too brash and unrealistic but at least he's not afraid to voice them. What have the others proposed? They just love to take his words out of context and run with it. Like when he said he would shut down certain mosques, there were headlines that he would shut down ALL mosques. The list can go on and on.
Clinton wants to implement the same no fly zone the gop hawks do. She's jyst as likely to start ww3 as them. just look at her foreign policy history. she's part of the problem.
I certainly do not wish to downplay the importance of the war on terror. But it is not an existential threat to our country's existence. Neither do I think current relations with Russia are close to Cold War conditions. The demonstrations in Baltimore and St. Louis are significant. But in '68 cities with race riots were far more numerous and destructive. Far more. As far as since then there've been all kinds of bad situations. Ftr there certainly are problems today, and they may prove quite difficult to resolve. But we should not let the agenda driven GOP candidates scare us into hiding under our beds. It's not that bad.
Barry Freakin' Goldwater would have done the same thing. There is no governor anywhere in the country who would not have. If a federal program exists, and those in need have been paying for it, they're certainly going to demand their turn at the trough when they need to eat. The problem resides back on Capitol Hill where there is no one with a substantial enough spine to stand up and say that people need to be responsible for their own actions and the government does not exist to protect them from "acts of God." Has anyone even heard a hint of a Congressman anywhere, red hat or blue, looking to streamline these programs to eliminate overlap and double and triple dipping? Step one is to deal with a crisis, step two is to use that experience to deal with the crisis it creates.
Am I the only one who thinks there may be a library of Trump offenses we just haven't seen yet? He's never been known as the good guy his father was. Why would the Democrats tip their hands to spill the beans today when such action would be a hundred times as effective if Trump actually got the nomination.
True. But it is beyond question the agenda of most GOP candidates, even to some extent Rand Paul although he's probably the least bad in this respect, is to scare people.
It's not the concern of the Dems to get into the Trump candidacy since they still think he will not be the GOP candidate. Instead they have been playing the angle that Trump is merely a more extreme example of the us v. them demagoguery they are all putting out there. I am not sure that is the most effective approach to take, but it does explain I think why you don't hear any results of opposition research on Trump coming out now. It's not yet relevant and they think never will be. I am also not sure Trump really has no chance. The thinking he does not is that Cruz will take away enough of the anti-insider GOP base voters to deny Trump a clear path to the nomination, then they can throw Cruz over the side once he's served that purpose (since they hate Cruz on a personal level). Cruz's currently rising poll numbers as Carson fades feeds into that scenario. But that's a risky game since it seems to depend a lot on Cruz, who you have to think GOP blue collar voters will not like the more they learn about him. That scenario seems to depend on some tricky timing. But it might be the smart move, since no establishment candidate is getting much traction (it really is a weak field), and depending on Rubio (despite the apparent concerns about him from the Hillary camp) is also a risky enterprise. I think he's pretty lightweight as a candidate myself. Funny how good Romney looks in hindsight compared to this field. At least he had a track record of accomplishments and looked presidential.
unfortunately he seems to be teflon trump. I'm not sure it would even matter if there were such treasure trove. why wouldn't his gop opponents leak the offenses if they existed?
Trump knows exactly what he's doing here, he would be a horrendous president but I will admit he's a smart man in that he knows people. He's running a good campaign unfortunately. He's running a grandiose campaign. What I mean by that he is making it so it doesn't even matter as it pertains to the ins and outs of the job of the presidency - he's standing out away from the issues. Its like approaching issues through his own image. He's got the image of a successful, tell it like it is, bold, brash leader... so every issue talked about, whether its as dull as tax reform or as concerning as global terrorism becomes about Donald Trump and not about the actual issue because of the campaign he is running. Everything..... becomes 'us. vs. them' / 'me vs. them' / 'trump vs. them' its similar to how these evangelicals develop a huge following in their churches. They just throw shit at the wall and work with what sticks. If they are challenged on the legitimacy of their claims they don't back up their claims they attack the challenger, making it us vs. them. Its almost like Trump is looking at these issues and saying to himself "What would Donald Trump say about these things?" and then says it. Not "what would I do as President?" its particularly effective as a beneficiary of our PC society. People are tired of being nice. Alright then- Donald Trump will just play the asshole in Act I of this theatre show that is real life. --- I was at the legion having a beer with these regular folks who normally would hate white collar shitbags like Trump and they were talking about Trump. "say what you want about Trump, but the man is telling the truth... [swig of beer]" "damn straight [swig of beer] " -- - actually no HE isn't telling the truth at all!! he's just spouting off a bunch of bullshit like Donald Trump the caricature and people's idea of Donald Trump the caricature is that he tells the hard truth. if you actually took the time to look at what he's saying, the feasibility of what he actually has planned, etc.. its laughable how much of a lie it all is. unfortunately though grandiose figures often do become leaders historically. Putin is a grandiose type, Abraham Lincoln was, etc. So I really think he's going to win the nomination now and possibly even the presidency at this point. People like to bet on sports, I don't care what they are handicapping Trump at but if they take bets on it, I'd bet on him at this point
Simply because the time is not yet ripe. Nobody wants to be identified as the mudslinger especially if they have no chance to actually contend. As the field narrows anything out there will begin to surface. Whatever may be out there may take some digging to find - digging a Christie or Carson can't organize but could easily be financed by the DNC.
the left uses the same fear mongering tactics to try and accomplish there agenda. look no further than obama trying to bypass the 5th amendment to take away the second for people on a secret government list called the no-fly list. he used the San Bernardino attack and you bought it hook line and sinker. It didn't matter that the people who committed the attack weren't on the list, he had fresh fear and wasn't going to waste it. hillary is no better. they all do it for whatever there agenda is.