The Rex Ryan Thread

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by jetfannerd, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. jxc

    jxc Active Member

    Jan 19, 2015
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    It's apples to oranges but here's how the other common games have panned out so far:

    Both teams beat the Colts
    Both teams swept the Dolphins

    Both teams lost to the Patriots in their first matchup.

    Bills lost to the Patriots in their second matchup.
    Jets play the Patriots a second time Dec 27

    Jets beat the Jaguars & Giants.
    Bills lost to the Jaguars & Giants.

    Jets lost to the Texans
    Bills beat the Texans

    Bills beat the Jets in their first matchup
    Second matchup is the final game of the year.

    Bills beat the Titans
    Jets play the Titans this Sunday

    Jets lost to the Eagles
    Bills play the Eagles this Sunday
  2. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    ok where the schedule of opponents has been the same, each team is 5-3, with a few remaining games to go.
    that's fair.

    i don't believe either coach has vastly separated themselves from the other.

    i also don't see the need to even compare them to begin with.
    Bowles never coached the Bills, and the Jets team he does coach is a far different team than the team Rex coached last year.
    it's possible both coaches finish with a respectable season.
  3. Pocket Jet

    Pocket Jet Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
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    Enough already !
  4. jxc

    jxc Active Member

    Jan 19, 2015
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    #824 jxc, Dec 13, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  5. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    "I thought we were the better team today..." after another loss. BARF man I don't miss hearing that... thats a classic Rex Ryan postgame line after a disappointing loss.

    If you ever needed to see the difference between Rex Ryan and Todd Bowles you saw it yesterday.

    Rex Ryan team loses:
    "I thought we were the better team today..."
    Todd Bowles team dominates:
    "We aren't that good. We aren't good enough to have a trap game."
    alleycat9, JetsVilma28, joe and 2 others like this.
  6. forevercursed

    forevercursed Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    15 penalties and he thinks they're the better team?
  7. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I only care about my team. The New York Jets. I don't care about what other teams do, like how Bills fans or Patriots fans or Dolphins fans show up on this site and talk down to the Jets. HOWEVER, I strongly dislike Rex Ryan. The biggest Con Artist in the NFL, who will now somehow still have a job after missing the playoffs for a 5TH STRAIGHT SEASON. And literally took a good Bills team, added Lesean McCoy, and somehow made them worse. Bills fans dancing in the streets when he was hired hopefully have seen the true Rex by now. He has taken a (9-7) team with the top defense in the NFL, dropped them to (6-7) with an average defense at best. The Jets gave them that win on Thursday night too. They could be (5-8). What is Rex's record as a Head Coach now? Has to be under .500.
    Kerley Shuffle likes this.
  8. Kris 15

    Kris 15 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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  9. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    For what it's worth, there is no way Rex Ryan is getting fired after this year. He has a 5 year fully guaranteed contract with no offsets (which is standard for NFL head coaches), for almost $28m. They're not going to pay him +$27 million for 1 season of work, I just don't see that happening.

    OTOH, supposedly this ownership has been quick to fire Buffalo Sabers coaches. If they don't improve next year, maybe Rex could be fired after 2 seasons. I'd expect him to adjust his defense and be better next year, but who knows.
  10. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Your point about the sabres is a good one. Pegula has shown he wouldn't mind pulling the plug on anyone if the only concern was cashola but Rex is a Pegula type of guy. HE is the one who decided on Rex not the GM Whaley.

    Best case scenario for Jets fans is that Pegula gives the GM holdover, Whaley, the axe. Whaley is a very bright young mind with an eye for talent and he's the one that built that very talented, balanced buffalo roster.

    I think its more likely Rex gets another GM/coordinator/colleague thrown under the bus and the Bills go full steam ahead with Rex Ryan. In which case.. rejoice! as we won't have to worry much about Buffalo for the foreseeable future. any given game? sure.. but in the standings and long term? no worries about Buffalo
    alleycat9, Jets Esq. and Red Menace like this.
  11. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I agree with that first part. It would be an obscene waste of money to fire the guy this year and eat that much money. Not to mention, starting from scratch again, with the third new system in four years. The problem is, Bills fans look at their roster and see Superbowl-caliber talent, which means there's only one place to lay blame. I have to think that missing the playoffs next year also would mean the end of Rex Ryan in Buffalo.

    I take comfort, though, when I watch Rex's postgame press conferences I see maybe the least self-aware person on the planet. A guy who starts by saying "This one was a tough loss because I thought we were the better team," and says it in a way where you know he's convinced of that. Always. Which only highlights a bigger problem, because he also knows that he's a top-tier headcoach. So, herein lies the problem: if he's convinced that he has Superbowl-caliber talent and that he's a Superbowl-caliber coach, then there must always be something else that caused his team to lose. Always. And, if you listen to his press conferences, you see that play out. He's a guy who thinks that if it just weren't for just one lousy call, or one bad pass, or one unlucky fumble, or one tough bounce, or one key injury, or one rainy day, or one short week of practice, or one missed tackle, or one whatever, his team would have pulled out the win. Failing to realize that it's always one something with Rex. But there's always-always-always going to be that one thing that prevented success. Otherwise, Rex will have to start turning blame inward, to his players or himself, and that's just not who he is. But he'll tinker around the edges and talk a good game.

    Exhibit A - the Bills' problem with penalties yesterday and pretty much all year. Rex will boldly identify the issue and announce with great resolve how they are "absolutely gonna fix it." He'll make them do push-ups at practice and maybe order a bunch of nifty wristbands as a reminder to the players - any sort of gimmickry to throw at the problem. But he'll overlook entirely that the problem is institutional. Penalties aren't anything new to that team; it's who they are. And, when one of his very first moves was to reward Jerry Hughes - a penalty-making machine - with a brand new contract, both the team and Rex know that, under the surface, he really doesn't want them to be anything else. Deep down, I think Rex likes that he has penalties to blame. Otherwise, there needs to be some OTHER reason why they're a sub-.500 team on course to take a step backward from 2014, and one of the reasons any fair-minded person would have to consider is him. That's just not an option.
    #831 Sundayjack, Dec 14, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  12. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    They weren't paying Sabres coaches as much as they paid Rex, at least not till Bylsma.

    What they might do and what they should do is take away Rex's unofficial GM title, it seems like he has more actual power than Whaley just like he did with Tanny.
  13. NJrocket24

    NJrocket24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    Like the time he said he could kick most coaches asses like that means anything even if it was true. And even the hubris to believe that anyone cares about Rex fighting another coach. Guy is just lost in his own world.

    No self awareness to ones limitations or weaknesses. This is a fatal flaw does not allow him to learn or improve this he will always be a middling coach.
  14. Jets Esq.

    Jets Esq. Guest

    Allow me to do my (sarcastic) Rex Ryan response impression here:

    "If there's one thing I'm sure about, Sundayjack, it's that this is a damn good football team. (Pounds his fist on the podium for emphasis.) And I dunno what the record's gunna be at the end of the season, and I dunno if we'll make the playoffs and this and that, but I will guarantee you this: nobody is outworking us! We are the toughest bully in the National Football League. Are we gonna have penalties? You're damn right we're gonna have penalties. But I'll take a team that wants to fight any day, over some wishy-washy team with no fire. And I'll tell you this: we've got, undoubtedly one of the best young quarterbacks in the league here in Tyrod Taylor. And Sammy Watkins? Wooooo! (Takes off his baseball cap, wipes brow.) That kid is playin' on a whole 'nother level, reminds me a little bit of Seth down in Clemson. (Said jokingly, referring to his son who is a backup WR at Clemson.) We're gonna get this ship righted, and I'll tell you another thing: Tom Brady, look out. Alright? Cuz the Buffalo Bills are in town, and believe me, we're ready- I'd play 'em right here right now. I wish I'd had a quarterback like that Brady kid, I dunno how many Super Bowls I woulda won, but I'll tell you this: I am very confident in Tyrod Taylor and what he brings to the table. And I know we already played the Patriots twice so far this season, but I'm ready for January. Let's go. And I'll bet you I could out-wrestle Bill Belichick any day of the week. Maybe he's a better football coach than I am right now, he might have the better record and this and that, but I could out-wrestle him any time and believe me, you'd find out who's the better coach real quick. You'd be singin' a pretty different tune on that one. And with that, I'll open it up for questions."


    But on a serious note, that is a really interesting take on Rex; he does think he's one of the top coaches and really does think he has the best team. I never considered the obvious possibility that he actually believes what he says when he talks in all those grandiose terms about how amazing him and his team are. I just assumed he was pumping himself up, but if anything, he he might be holding back for the camera. That could also explain why he plays favorites with players who aren't good. He's so confident in his own assessment of talent; it's like he wants to force reality to concede that he's right. That's just so startlingly bizarre that it never occurred to me.

    What's also baffling is that he's losing with a pretty talented team. When he had good Jets teams in 2009 and 2010, he did well with them. I figured that as long as he had a decent team he'd be able to do well, I didn't think he'd be losing with a decent team. I'm glad that's the case, since he's within the division, but it is surprising. It almost feels like he's gotten more stubborn in some ways.
  15. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    Difference between his first two years with the Jets and now with the Bills is he was fresh out of being a d-coordinator and could bring a few of 'his' guys in (Bart Scott, Jim Leonard, etc) to back him up and create a new culture. He really doesn't have any longtime Rex guys in Buffalo, now he's just an outsider with a defense that didn't need fixing.

    Plus ironically the CIRCUS doesn't play as well in a blue-collar city like Buffalo the way it did here when you had the media helping to perpetuate the Rex personality.
    jxc and alleycat9 like this.
  16. RichardCaster

    RichardCaster Active Member

    Dec 14, 2014
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    Gotta say "obviously" a lot. Listen to his press conferences. He says it all the time
  17. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I was listening to Buffalo sports radio yesterday and they were interviewing Rex Ryan. To the talk show host's credit, he was asking Rex some very good questions (normally they kiss his ass like the media did here for years)... I saw a guy who just appears to have not learned anything in his years coaching...

    the host said [paraphrasing] "Rex when you were introduced here you made a lot of big promises right out of the gate. Now that its looking like playoffs are out of the question, do you feel at all a little humbled? do you wish you approached the season differently?"

    Shockingly (or not I suppose) Rex began by saying first they aren't completely eliminated (come on :rolleyes:) and that no he doesn't feel humbled and he would approach the season the same way again because "we have a good football team and a good coaching staff" :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    another notable moment: the host talked about penalties and how there are obviously differences in the types of penalties. Some are just physical penalties made while trying to make a play for your team... (things like holding, illegal contact, maybe a face mask while trying to make a tackle, etc.) and then there are mental lapses like offsides, false start, boneheaded personal fouls like unnecessary roughness, etc. He asked Rex if he agrees there are differences, if origins matter and if so, do they work on fixing one certain area above the other. [which are legitimate questions I think]

    Rex got snippy and short with him. "No, I think all penalties are bad and we're working hard on all of them the same"

    just shows how clueless and stubborn the man is. So glad he's not here anymore.
  18. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i wonder where the bills fans are this week?

    rex is a buffoon, to jersey jet fan, lets remember he was a barely over .500 coach his first year, who thought he had missed the playoffs and even announced it in a press conference. lets not make it like he was 11-5 and rolling into the playoffs with a division winner. which for the two playoff runs he never did win the division.

    i dont care to compare the coaches and their success and failures. i am just glad that the buffoon is out of here and that the circus has left town. i am also glad that bowles appears to be learning pretty quickly and correcting some of the problems that we have seen this year. is he perfect? no, not close. will he be a great coach? who knows, maybe.

    could rex end up being a great coach? sure he could, but the history of rex and where he is today says probably not. the likelihood is that he will be in buffalo for the next couple years and then fade away into a d coordinator role. granted he could completely change the way he does things and his approach and be pretty good, but his past 5 years have shown thats not how its worked out for him thus far.
    101GangGreen101 likes this.
  19. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    A lot of them already want Rex fired, but they are worried if they fire Rex - they wouldn't be any different then the Browns franchise. They took a bunch of 4-3 lineman that were great with Jim Schwartz and made them play in that Rex shitty version 3-4 defense, not even a hybrid defense. Putting Mario Williams in coverage, and not letting them do what they do best. It was the SAME shit we saw starting in 2011 until the day he was fired, leaving Bart Scott out to dry in coverage, Coples being drafted and using him as a linebacker along with jamming receivers at the LOS. PENALTIES! Not showing up consistently as evident by his week by week record of winning then losing. Making the team overly emotional against the Patriots. I couldn't take it any longer after last season.

    I really drank the Rex juice 3 years ago, but it wasn't until 2012, beginning of the year that I thought this relationship was beginning to sour, I couldn't believe how blind I was, but man I am glad we have Bowles now. I hope he continues to improve.

    Rex might end of like his brother in a few years after this stint, because his ability to coach defenses is slipping also.
    alleycat9 likes this.

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