I loved this back in the day. I just hope they don't fuck this up.
I think that was just a poorly edited trailer with terrible music. I loved the first 2 Treks but this teaser doesn't look great. I am hoping it is just because of what I mentioned.
Justin Lin is directing and they want to make it like a Star Wars or Guardians of the Galaxy. They just dont know what Star Trek is all about...exploration, voyages, space missions. Looks like the Enterprise will be blown up for a third time...These guys shouldnt even be handed the wheel let alone Trek the universe
Wifey and I used to crack up watching MST3000. They can be found on YouTube in case you ever get a hankering to watch one. They have quite a few originals in full length minus commercials.
Were you a fan of Chiller? There's a bunch of those around too...Thanks for the tip about Amazon Prime. I have a great screen capture program that works great.
Mst3k Santa Claus conquers the Martians every year about this time. Links to (almost) every episode.