Enough with Sheldon and Pryor my grandmother could hit on 10 % of her picks and my grandma is dead ...
Yeah I don't care how snakebit this damn franchise is, finding quality players in round 1 of the draft is an obligation, not an accomplishment.
funny u say this.....all the scouting, millions of dollars, stats and more stats, measurables, and all that the teams spend on draft prep.....u could probably cut your draft budget/time by 50% and still hit on the same percentage of picks that most teams do, and exceed the others.
IMO Johhny I can only be avaluated on "most of" his picks. The guy was hired as a sacrificial lamb. Think Phillip Greene from Casino. But Idzik knew this coming in most likely. We were in cap hell and he didn't have the authority from Woody to spend more than XYZ. So the Free agents he signed were guys like Mike Goodson, Windslow. And we know Rex had some say in a few choice picks during the draft. I'm not sticking up for the guy but it had to be the worst GM job in the history of GM jobs. Why do you think so many guys passed on it...
I think the microscopic fan base, media, and high taxes/cost of living has negatively influenced candidates over the years - and players too. Though I think woody was offering housing allowances as part of the benefits package.
Nah IMHO U posters are not looking at the big pix which is Woody likes to hire less then quality people. As a example Mangini. Herm, Groh, Tanny, Rex, Etc, etc etc
Why do you think he didn't have authority to spend money? I don't recall seeing any articles to that effect or hearing anything about that. Idzik just didn't want to overpay, so wound up not signing anyone of note. The area where he WAS handcuffed was that he was not able to fire Rex. That's why other prospective GMs turned Woody down. It had nothing to do with not being able to spend money to my recollection.
I dont know how true a spending limit was on idiot ohh I men idzick. In the nfl there is a min level to spend nothing is stopping the team from spending x amount because they have too. The team makes money to cover the payroll so spending up to the limit is not an issue
When Idzik came on board we were rebuilding so Idzik made the moves a rebuilding team needs to make. They needed to get under the cap, concentrate on building through the draft, take flyers on low risk high reward free agents, and when they had some money go sign a free agent like a Decker. After a disastrous 2014 Woody caved in to pressure from the fans and media and fired Idzik, when Macc was brought on board they were in win now mode so the initial rebuilding was scrapped.