The tech press was abuzz two days ago with a claim, from reputable journalists at Wired and Gizmodo, that Satoshi Nakamoto was Dr. Craig S. Wright. I know Craig Wright. I was one of the 95 people he followed on Twitter. We’ve exchanged private messages. He told me his life story, which mixed quasi-academic references with allusions to quasi-legal activities that were clearly meant to discourage further questioning. Let’s get the preliminaries out of the way. Craig Wright is not Satoshi. Could not have been. And before him, Dorian Nakamoto, the Californian accused by Newsweek of inventing Bitcoin, was not Satoshi, either—or rather, he was very much Satoshi Nakamoto, the model railroad enthusiast. Since the press has a habit of outing a Satoshi every year, it’s time to raise the level of discourse and talk about how to recognize Satoshi in case we do encounter him. For it would be a shame if, say, Jesus came back someday, quietly walked among us, and we all passed him by because we didn’t know what a crown of thorns looked like.