I'm not much of a Tarentino fan, but I saw the trailer for the Hateful 8 last night and thought I'd give it a look, mainly because Kurt Russell. Then, during TNF, we get the "trailer" for the Ridiculous 6, a NetFlix EXCLUSIVE. I'm just glad this talentless d-bag can't get major production companies to deliver truckloads of money to him anymore. Adam Sandler is trash.
I used to see every Adam Sandler movie, but it got to a point where they became brutal to watch. The last straw for me was 2010's Grown Ups. Such a lazy piece of crap effort. So bad. They apparently made a sequel too. You couldn't pay me to watch it. I'll always love Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. The Waterboy and even Big Daddy too. However, it's over now. So lazy and clearly just for the money. Awful.
TDK, I always read your posts in the Jets forum; I don't like them, but I read them. You really just embodied why I don't care a single fucking wit about your movie or tv show posts, though.. You're one of the nicest guys here. You just have the shittiest taste in media. Edit: I just read that and realized how much of an asshole I can be. Doesn't change the fact that you're a good dude.
Haha yes, you can. I think you are a good poster though and just speak how you feel. I respect that. As for my taste, I guess I just like what I like. Liking Billy Madison as an 8 year old, or Happy Gilmore as a 9 year old makes sense to me though. I probably should have stopped watching Sandler films earlier than I did, but that is life. I could understand you commenting that way if I said I still watch them all and can't wait for that Hateful 8 rip off to come out.
My sincerest apologies for the Ice Cream Incident. You took that motherfucker like a champ. Most of those other assholes couldn't even take honest criticism. Respect, TDK. In my old age, I realize what that means. No response necessary, I know you know what I mean.
My wife makes me watch 16 Candles whenever it comes on. I've come to like it better than the flickering flame of Sandler's career.
If we stuff Sandler and Kevin James into a 1986 Yugo and crush them in a junkyard, collect the juice that comes out and then boil it in a goat skull while Joe Namath is raped by a wild boar, the curse will be lifted.
Not very respectful about the guy with the biggest selling Chanukah song of all time, right smack in the middle of Chanukah.
every Adam Sandler movie is crappy, basically (similar in that regard to Chuck Norris) he set the record for Raspberries
he sucks the sweat off a yaks balls. all of his flicks. id rather gore out my own eyes with a pair of crochet needles. it's not that im this great overly educated guy, theyre just insultingly fuckin ' stupid. the over under is 4 minutes before you bag any of his movies forever.