So now that some time has passed who do you think is better? Hot dog is classic but such a showboater and really needs supporting team of condiments and toppings to fulfill his potential. Corn dog is definitely a game changer all on his own and innovative at his position but he really has a stick up his ass. Discuss.
Never been a fan of the corn dog, gotta say. But Black Bear Natural Casing Hot Dogs? On the grill. With that distinctive "pop" when you bit into them? And lets not trash talk condiments--there are plenty of foods that are nothing without toppings. Pasta? Bread? Crackers? Vagina? _
I gotta go witht the classic. Not a corn dog guy at all. I love going to a quality hot dog joint Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
i dont eat hot dogs anymore unless im at Pinks in hollywood, check them out! we dont have good pizza or chinese food out here,in fact they both suck ass hard, but we do have the best burgers and dogs! if you scroll down the page youll see betty white with a dog in her mouth! hot dogs images'&biw=1366&bih=659&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjSjYnaz8_JAhVPx2MKHVlDAgAQsAQIGw
dude, you just gave me a great idea! ill split the profits with you, im on it like bluebonnet now. it would fly, for a while at least
Where is Nebraska Jet to weigh in on this? I bet he will like them both lol Gimme a Nathans Hot Dog with MustardNKraut on the hottest day of the year
having recently moved to Philippines, Corn Dogs are impossible to find here, and nearly all fast food joints carry a Hot Dog item
There was a strip joint just around the corner from the World Trade Center I used to go to for lunch all the time cause of their free buffet. Build it and they will come.
Have you ever wanted to bang the chick serving you a hot dog like you have those sexy striped rainbow princesses at Hot Dog On A Stick?
Seventy three years, eh? ............ get in line Pinko! Walter's, Mamaroneck, NY not to mention.... Corn dogs?