I sympathize with those that aren't militant Islamists. I hate Republican candidates that are fools. Paul and Kasich aren't bad but have no shot to win, because the majority of Americans are ignorant like yourself. Not a surprise why you have so many senseless posts on this board; nobody actually wants to hear your garbage outside of the internet. Must be lonely with the kids at school, learning the monstrosities of Islam.
Who are these Christian militants and what horrific acts are they preaching to executed by loyal Christians in the name of Christianity?
No they aren't. People claiming to be Muslim who aren't following the actual religion are. You just can't seem to tell the difference.
Deuteronomy, Exodus, Joshua, Leviticus, Numbers, Kings. Modern Christians pick and choose what they want from the Bible all the time to fit their views. So why do people here assume Muslims don't?
Fifty years ago it was the pesky Buddhists and Catholics in Vietnam, or maybe that was the 75% of nonbelievers there. Anybody know the religious breakdown for the Viet Cong as opposed to the general population?
Actually, what is most distressing is the few meek voice coming from Islam this week are busiest telling the rest of the world that we need to be understanding rather than excoriating those maniacs within their own folds that such behavior will not be tolerated.
people here DO assume muslims are picking and choosing what they want from the koran all the time to fit their views. when we/they point it out you call them bigots.
Those are Old Testament books, dumb fuck. It's not the message of Christianity it's the backstory. And those things aren't preached as the message of Christianity. Again, if you weren't such an emotional hysteric and could think rationally you wouldn't be grasping at those irrelevant straws. The fact that you need to reveals you have no real argument. The fact is sacrificing goats because it's an aroma pleasing to the Gods isn't preached as the message of Christianity anymore than any death or killing in the Old Testament and has nothing to do with how Christianity is followed TODAY. As opposed to Islam where Jihad and murder are as relevant to the religion today as it was hundreds of years ago. One religion evolved past the savage practices of its day and the other has not, yet you try to argue they are the same. You have to be fucking retarded not to see the difference.
This is the problem. We have a religion that for the most part is strange to our society,has been behind violence that has threatened our society and others like it for the last few generations. After something happens,the first thing muslims and their liberal sympathizers do...is start preaching about how I should react to the violence,and how I should feel about who did it. Wrong! If my kids behave badly in school,it is my job to teach them not to act that way and do something about it,not tell other students and staff how they should tolerate my kids bad behavior. I hear loud and clear from the violent radicals,but if there are a mass majority of muslims that condemn terrorism in the name of their religion...I don't hear them loud and clear,and I see them doing shit about it in the mosques,no go zones,etc etc . If you are going to cover and protect those with bad intentions,you also have bad intentions . Its also worth mentioning that after 9/11 there were people of that faith having celebratory tailgate parties in New Jersey and probably other places
BS. Complete bs. Mass shooters in this country do not claim to be doing the will of god when they go off. It is not religiously motivated. Cant say the same for the other
Yes, you are finally getting it. These people are not true Muslims. No more than the guy who shot up Planned Parenthood is a true Christian or people protesting funerals of soldiers are true Christians.