Why can't you comprehend that this is NOT part of the religion? It is an extremist sect, just like any other religion has.
It's not Islam. If it was, you wouldn't see Muslims condemn it. If it was preached by Islam, you would see a hell of a lot more suicide bombings.
America sounds like a great place too. The GOP front-runner wants to create a Muslim database. The runner-up feels that homosexuality is a choice because "men go into prison straight, and come out gay." He is against same-sex marriage because of his religion, which is not Islam. Right wing nuts are bombing planned parenthood and killing innocents. Because they don't want women to have rights regarding their own bodies. Religiously motivated, and yet again, not Islam.
That's not what he said. He said the religion, not each and every individual Muslim, teaches to kill infidels. You are exaggerating that so it fits your agenda.
There's that "But but but other people" again. You brought up Turkey like it was some great place. I showed you it is not. Feel free to point out where I talk about how great the US is. Same thing , every time this happens. Deflect and talk about others. It's like a script.
I brought up Turkey because it is making strides, unlike countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia. You can't lump all Muslim nations together. It's foolish.
Yes, there are Christiand that do fucked up shit, that has no relevance to the argument at hand. That, in logic, is called the false comparison. Logic 101 is your friend, you should meet it sometimes. But just because a Christian commits a crime doesn't mean the crime is s part of the Christian doctrine. The argument is about the Islamic doctrine and what it teaches and the Christian doctrine doesn't teach anything similar. And it certainly isn't a part of modern Christianity. Again, your reasoning fails because you are so emotionally unstable you can't stop to think about these things rationally and you grasp at anything you think sounds good without thinking about the accuracy of the comparison.
No, the religion does teach it which is why it has been practiced non-stop by its followers throughout its entire history. Obviously not all Muslims are murderers, that's not because of the religion but because the majority of human beings aren't murdering savages. Just because there are peaceful Muslims who ignore that aspect of the religion or interpret it differently to support their desire not to kill doesn't equate to it but being in the religion. Peaceful Muslims does not equal Islam is a peaceful religion. It's basic statistical probability. If the majority of human beings don't want to kill other human beings, that ratio of killers to non-killers will be represented across all bodies of people.
What's the common denominator? Broccoli rabe? Disney movies? 3 ply toilet paper? String theory? Big 10 football? Wall Street? The Kardashians? No. It's Islam. Accept it. _
I'm confused. Do guns make people go off,or do people make guns go off. How do they work ? I guess if they can ban guns all those Chicago shooters would be disappointed that they can no longer go into bass pro and buy their arms,because,you know,thats how they get them and shit . How would the Obama administration like to combat terrorism? By punishing you and disarming you all while arming Isis . But atleast if we are all disarmed the caliphate will go nice and easy
So Christianity teaches us to cut off women's hands, stone blasphemers, stone adulterers, stoning a woman if she's not a virgin when she's married, stone children if they are disobedient, stoning someone for working on the Sabbath. In summary, the Bible says to kill and oppress people. But guess what? Most Christians don't follow those passages. Now take that sentence and replace Bible and Christians with Koran and Muslims and it's super hypocritical to make that claim against one religion but not the other.
It's fucking 2015. Not 29 AD. Not 1944. Not 1973. Muslims are preaching horrific acts TODAY. Nice hyperbole. _
The only thing you ever post on here is hyperbole. Militant Muslims are preaching horrific acts TODAY. Militant Christians are preaching the same.