Sad news today coming from Pitt RB James Conner. Diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin lymphoma on thanksgiving morning. good kid, great player, ran for 1,700 yards and 26 TDs last year... will be rooting for this kid to beat this difficult diagnosis and hopefully see the field again someday soon.
Hodgkins Disease is one of the more treatable cancers. Has a cure rate of over 90%. Hockey player Mario Lemieux had it.
Very sad. Hoping he overcomes he should be able to carve out a career still but football is taking a backseat in his life now.
Great to hear. We often forget what a precious gift a healthy life is. Most everything else pales by comparison. I need to kept that in mind when I watch the next five games with the Jets and put things in perspective.
Yes that's true and they are saying he is going to try to continue playing which is great. I got ties to the area (Erie, PA) where this kid is from so I have had sort of a personal interest in how he does in football. Erie is such a depressed area these days and its becoming one of those places where great talent never materializes for a multitude of reasons (on & off the field). For example, this Conner kid didn't even play RB until his senior year of HS because he sat behind a HS all-american, record setting RB. That RB was the real deal, committed to Iowa, played decently his freshman year, until he decided to transfer for "philosophical reasons.." last year he was back in Erie, arrested & charged with armed robbery. Conner is different, a kid with a really good head on his shoulders and a good support system in the face of the tough inner city Erie life. He was a late bloomer who is now thriving and everyone thought finally Erie might get another NFLer and then we get this diagnosis. hopefully he recovers for more reasons than just football of course, like you said the prognosis is good
Out of all of the RBs who were draft eligible he was probably my favorite 6'2 240 I wanted him to be the guy to replace Ivory potentially. Horrible news with him having cancer already dealing with the injury. Hopefully he can return to football next year and we'll have a shot at him then, I'm praying for the guy.