at least 12 shot dead in San Bernardino, CA

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Petrozza, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. nyjetsmets89

    nyjetsmets89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    I know, I wasn't responding to your post. Just in general.

    Leaders of the mosques where the California shooter prayed have come out and condemned his actions. Nice to see.

    On another note, I guess those child soldiers in Africa are also reading too deep into the Quran. Same with the Vietcong. Yeah, it's only Islamists using children for violence :rolleyes:
  2. nyjetsmets89

    nyjetsmets89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    Nobody is going to mourn the 5000 sons and daughters that were slaughtered by the Bush administration in Iraq, while they heroically searched for the evil-doers and possessors of the weapons of mass destruction responsible for 9/11?
  3. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    See, this is the same sort of screeching and cackling the monkeys do when they're all out of poop. Remarkable. Really. Just remarkable.
  4. nyjetsmets89

    nyjetsmets89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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  5. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    You know I hear Trump wants to put all Muslims into the database and have them carry ID cards for tracking...Sounds alot like what the Nazi's did with the Yellow Badge on the Jews during the pre-2nd World War.
  6. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Yeah, but that's an awful lot of work. And expensive. I have a better idea. Everyone who wants to wear a long beard has to be either Muslim or gay. And you can only choose one. No doubling up. Better than an ID card, and has the added benefit of causing total fucking chaos in the Muslim community. They'll show up for a party and won't know whether to bring a delightful rosé or an IED.

    What frightens me is the women. All shrouded-up, head to toe, in one of those burqas - there'd be absolutely NO way to tell if they're Muslim. Plus, doing anything at all that might disrupt lipstick lesbianism is just too high a price to pay.
  7. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    You truly know nothing of the history of Islam, do you?
  8. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    No, what nobody is going to do is be so f'ing stupid as to think it is relevant to the discussion at hand and needs to be brought up. I mean that is nobody but you, of course.
  9. nyjetsmets89

    nyjetsmets89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    Enlighten me...
  10. DHarris52

    DHarris52 Active Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    We're laughing at you, not with you.
  11. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Gun laws are as effective as Prohibition laws were back in the early 20th century so, for all intent and purposes there really are no effective gun laws in this country as of now. Anyone can get their hands on just about any weapon they need if they have the resources and finances to get it done. Lately, its becoming more common for mass shooters to be armed to the teeth and could match LEO's firepower round for round with body armor. So, instead of more gun laws which don't work, might as well have less so everyone is armed to the teeth and will be pretty much left to their own devices as far as personal security is concerned. Might make for an even more dangerous Nation but we're headed there anyway.
    #311 Cman69, Dec 4, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
  12. nyjetsmets89

    nyjetsmets89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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  13. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'm curious where you came up with that figure if you don't mind providing the details.

    Are you of the opinion that the threat posed by radical islam and isis is the same as say an Adam Lanza? It sounds like that's what you're getting at.
  14. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I think it's an infantile and simple calculation.

    For example:

    9 shootings killed 50 people.

    1 attack on 9-11 killed 3000 people.

    90% of the attacks were committed by non-Muslims.

  15. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    that may be the case but let's hear what he has to say.
  16. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Since 9/11 there have been 89 killed by Muslims in America in 47 attacks

    3/19/2002 USA Tuscon, AZ 1 0 A 60-year-old man is gunned down by Muslim snipers on a golf course.
    5/27/2002 USA Denton, TX 1 0 Muslim snipers kill a man as he works in his yard.
    7/4/2002 USA Los Angeles, CA 2 0 Muslim man pulls out a gun at the counter of an Israeli airline and kills two people.
    9/5/2002 USA Clinton, MD 1 0 A 55-year-old pizzaria owner is shot six times in the back by Muslims at close range.
    9/21/2002 USA Montgomery, AL 1 1 Muslim snipers shoot two women, killing one.
    9/23/2002 USA Baton Rouge, LA 1 0 A Korean mother is shot in the back by Muslim snipers.
    10/2/2002 USA Wheaton, MD 1 0 Muslim snipers gun down a program analyst in a store parking lot.
    10/3/2002 USA Montgomery County, MD 5 0 Muslim snipers kill three men and two women in separate attacks over a 15-hour period.
    10/9/2002 USA Manassas, VA 1 1 A man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas two days after a 13-year-old is wounded by the same team.
    10/11/2002 USA Fredericksburg, VA 1 0 Another man is killed by Muslim snipers while pumping gas.
    10/14/2002 USA Arlington, VA 1 0 A woman is killed by Muslim snipers in a Home Depot parking lot.
    10/22/2002 USA Aspen Hill, MD 1 0 A bus driver is killed by Muslim snipers.
    8/6/2003 USA Houston, TX 1 0 After undergoing a 'religious revival', a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4" butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.
    4/15/2004 USA Scottsville, NY 1 2 In an honor killing, a Muslim father kills his wife and attacks his two daughters with a knife and hammer because he feared that they had been sexually molested.
    6/16/2006 USA Baltimore, MD 1 0 A 62-year-old Jewish moviegoer is shot to death by a Muslim medical student in an unprovoked terror attack.
    6/25/2006 USA Denver, CO 1 5 Saying that it was 'Allah's choice', a Muslim shoots four of his co-workers and a police officer.
    7/28/2006 USA Seattle, WA 1 5 An 'angry' Muslim-American uses a young girl as hostage to enter a local Jewish center, where he shoots six women, one of whom dies.
    1/1/2008 USA Irving, TX 2 0 A Muslim immigrant shoots his two daughters to death on concerns about their 'Western' lifestyle.
    7/6/2008 USA Jonesboro, GA 1 0 A devout Muslim strangles his 25-year-old daughter in an honor killing.
    2/12/2009 USA Buffalo, NY 1 0 The founder of a Muslim TV station beheads his wife in the hallway for seeking a divorce.
    4/12/2009 USA Phoenix, AZ 2 0 A man shoots his brother-in-law and another man to death after finding out that they visited a strip club, in contradiction to Islamic values.
    6/1/2009 USA Little Rock, AR 1 1 A Muslim shoots a local soldier to death inside a recruiting center explicitly in the name of Allah.
    11/2/2009 USA Glendale, AZ 1 1 A woman dies from injuries suffered when her father runs her down with a car for being too 'Westernized.' (10-20-09)
    11/5/2009 USA Ft. Hood, TX 13 31 A Muslim psychiatrist guns down thirteen unarmed soldiers while yelling praises to Allah.
    12/4/2009 USA Binghamton, NY 1 0 A non-Muslim Islamic studies professor is stabbed to death by a Muslim grad student in revenge for 'persecuted' Muslims.
    4/14/2010 USA Marquette Park, IL 5 2 After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to 'take them back to Allah' and out of the 'world of sinners'.
    4/30/2011 USA Warren, MI 1 0 A 20-year-old woman is shot in the head by her stepfather for not adhering to Islamic practices.
    9/11/2011 USA Waltham, MA 3 0 Three Jewish men have their throats slashed by Muslim terrorists.
    1/15/2012 USA Houston, TX 1 0 A 30-year-old Christian convert is shot to death by a devout Muslim for helping to convert his daughter.
    11/12/2012 USA Houston, TX 1 0 A 28-year-old American man is shot to death by a conservative Muslim over an alleged role in converting a woman to Christianity.
    2/7/2013 USA Buena Vista, NJ 2 0 A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.
    3/24/2013 USA Ashtabula, OH 1 0 A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.
    4/15/2013 USA Boston, MA 3 264 Foreign-born Muslims describing themselves as 'very religious' detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.
    4/19/2013 USA Boston, MA 1 1 Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.
    8/4/2013 USA Richmond, CA 1 0 A convert "on a mission from Allah" stabs a store clerk to death.
    3/6/2014 USA Port Bolivar, TX 2 0 A Muslim man shoots his lesbian daughter and her lover to death and leaves a copy of the Quran open to a page condemning homosexuality.
    4/27/2014 USA Skyway, WA 1 0 A 30-year-old man is murdered by a Muslim fanatic.
    6/1/2014 USA Seattle, WA 2 0 Two homosexuals are murdered by an Islamic extremist.
    6/25/2014 USA West Orange, NJ 1 0 A 19-year-old college student is shot to death 'in revenge' for Muslim deaths overseas.
    9/25/2014 USA Moore, OK 1 1 A Sharia advocate beheads a woman after calling for Islamic terror and posting an Islamist beheading photo.
    7/16/2015 USA Chattanooga 5 2 A 'devout Muslim' stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.
    12/2/2015 USA San Bernardino, CA 14 17 A 'very religious' Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.
  17. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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  18. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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  19. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    This is disturbing. Trying to rationalize it leads me to believe he doesn't actually condemn it like he said the other night. clearly he sees a path of reason here, so is he next to go off if we piss him off too much with our words?
  20. nyjetsmets89

    nyjetsmets89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
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    My bad about offending right-wing terrorist groups. Simple mistake in the language. Doesn't change the fact that Non-Muslims account for more domestic terrorism than Muslim extremists. Sorry for those who continue to blame Islam. And when you think about it, ISIS has killed more Muslims in their region than Americans. But hey, they are the only ones that make Americans fearful. Carry on

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