obviously its a bullshit flag. The Packers are the Patriots of the NFC, they get all the flags they want and their fans are fucking insufferable.
@JetsHuskers fan Does this look like a Lions or Vikings or Bears Message board? Aaron Rodgers and the Packers are fine by me. Amazing ending.
Doesn't look like a facemask (though it did in real time; I don't blame the ref for throwing a flag, I blame the fact that penalties can't be reviewed). Still, the Lions have nothing to complain about. All they had to do was prevent the Packers from going 65 yards on a single play and they couldn't do it.
Even if the facemask wasn't called the PI the play before should have. Detroit deserved to lose when they let GB hang 27 compared to their 6.
The only PI on that play was offensive as the WR wrapped his arms around the DB who had perfect position. That is not even a close call.
It was definitely OPI, but I didn't mind the no call until they made the FM call. And to then let the massive hold/takedown go on the Hail Mary after making the call to extend the game? Stick it straight in your ass. Three consecutive plays, two no calls and a marginal call all go the Packers way. On the road. That said, you can go fuck yourself, Caldwell. What kind of pee-wee defense were you running on the HM? You took your best player and took him out of the play by design. You then refused to use the best guy in the league at high-pointing passes to help you win a game. You, Mr. Caldwell, are a fucking tard.
I fell asleep and have not seen any of the calls at the end of the game, but based on reports, the final moments of this game were probably the last thing Goodell wanted to occur just one day after publicly addressing the fact that officiating needs to be looked at.
feel for you lions fans. That ending was some real bullshit. what pisses me off today is how the sports talk is all about the hail mary and apparently no one feels the need to address the bullshit that allowed the play to happen?
You guys got hosed. Nobody cares though bc it's the lions. "Did you see that Hail Mary!?! How about that Rogers!"
That face mask gets called almost everytime. The hand was there and the head went down. They can't review every play, that would be insane and destroy whats left of the flow of a game.
Hey as long as people don't mind 4+ hour games and a few more Draft King and Flo commercials, review everything. _
I agree they shouldn't review stuff like that but the ref closest to the play did not throw the flag. the flag came from an official further down the field. They need to convene and call each other off. that's procedure. Furthermore- Rodgers absolutely embellished it that's why the head went down. Even if the Lions player grabbed the facemask (which he didn't!) its still not a penalty because unless you don't immediately let go. Article 14 of the NFL rulebook states: "No player shall grasp and control, twist, turn, push, or pull the facemask of an opponent in any direction."If a player grasps an opponent's facemask, he must immediately release it. If he does not immediately release it and controls his opponent, it is a foul." the lions player's hand brushed the mask. which is not a penalty and it was a terrible call especially considering the referee that was right there didn't call it. another NFL fuckup...