But making guns illegal to own or harder to get access to isn't going to solve the problem either. It might help to a certain extent but evil people will always be able to get their hands on weapons if they really want to. Gang bangers shooting themselves in Chicago aren't doing so with legally purchased handguns.
AR15s and AKclass weapons should no longer be sold over the counter. Civilians like Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik or Adam Lanza Mom should not be able to purchase these weapons. I think they can be classified as both high powered rifle and machine gun. High powered rifle is probably the more correct term and I will edit. You should have to earn the right to own one. and that is by serving in our military and earning our nations trust. I am more concerned about the pipe bombs.
Saudis def arent fucking up their relationship with Americans, these are just nut jobs. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Pretty sure those weapons were already banned in the state of California. Strictest gun laws in the nation out there. People are going to get on their soapbox and go after gun owners for protecting their rights, but legal, responsible gun owners didn't do this. Criminals did this and it was going to happen no matter what any gun control law was out there hoping to prevent it.
Fair enough. I can't really argue. "shooting" skeet is not one of my past times...but that doesn't mean a good person shouldn't be able to enjoy theirs. I know good people make the right decisions and bad one's do not. Just wish there was a better way to control, monitor and prevent the bad ones from getting high powered means of destruction. I'm outta here!
Unless new Gun Control Laws can magically make all the guns disappear--legal AND illegal--this will continue to happen. _
Last one...I do think weapons suppliers and wholesalers/retailers and gun show/trade shows enable a plethora of questionable weapons owners; high powered weapons owners. It's all about the paper baby!!! pump those sales $$$$$$ dude 1- "I want a AK47" Retailer- "cool, it's yours!" Cha Ching! $$$$$ Edit: Bombs are a much bigger issue that should not get ignored by the gun debate.
Even if that happened, are we ignoring the bombs and pretending they wouldn't have just used them instead?
I agree. For all of these recent mass shooters, they all legally obtained their weapons and at the time of their purchase - they weren't in any legal trouble or in any mental health database. Plus as you said, if you were legally banned from getting a gun, there is always the black market. Can't stop that.
They are now saying that all 4 guns were purchased legally but only two of them were purchased by the shooters.
I'm not going to stand on my soap box here and issue yet another predictable, sad, political diatribe but people are legal, responsible gun owners until they commit a crime. so this argument is kinda silly to me. Yesterday morning when these psycho assholes ate breakfast and dropped their infant kid off at grandma's house they were legal, responsible gun owners. hours later they weren't and we got 14 innocents killed
What does the no-fly list have to do with what happened yesterday? Nothing. I find it disgusting and disingenuous when people use tragedies to push an agenda like that. It weakens your argument and makes people tune out very quickly. How does one get put on the no-fly list? Obviously no one wants known terrorists purchasing guns but you can't just empower someone. When you hear rhetoric from politicians that refers to members of opposing political parties and groups as terrorists that becomes obvious.
I hear you, but my point is these 2 were going to do what they planned to do regardless of legislation. I don't know what law you can pass that would have stopped this.
Yeah, I mean I just don't know what the answer is. I believe in the right to bear arms but i'm definitely for stricter laws on guns. I just don't know what policy could be put in place to stop certain people from obtaining guns.