Okay. Watched a documentary on CNN about teens and social media. I am speechless. I have 9 year old twin boys and I am now asking myself how it will be raising teenagers in a few years. Right now they don't have any cell phone and they don't have any social media accounts. What is going to happen in a few years? What is expecting me and my wife? Pretty scary stuff.
It's a new world. I always understood how evolution worked but I never thought I'd see it happening right in front of me, and kids are definitely changing in ways that we can't even comprehend at the moment.
My kids are now between 20 and 23 so it wasn't too long ago they were teens, stay involved in their lives from school to sit down dinners and sports and you have a very good chance they will turn out just fine. Don't be a helicopter parent but let them know you are there for them and encourage their independence. Any documentary is going to give you all the worst case scenarios, it wouldn't keep your interest if they told you most kids end up fine.
SPYWARE, baby!! I'll hack every Internet account, every phone line and every text. And then I put cameras and mics throughout the house.
My daughter is 3 1/2 and she is already hitting on guys. Anyone know where I can get a chastity belt? Surely Amazon has a selection.... I told my wife that it's really simple: both our kids are 3 1/2 so our daughter can start dating in, say, 25 years. Our son can start now. As a father I don't see the problem.
Set a good example for them. For example, never miss an opportunity to post pictures and anecdotes of your drunken exploits overseas with women other than their mother to ingratiate yourself to total strangers.
With boys there is always the old school way my father used on me and my brother. Everyday soon as he got home we were both smacked upside the head. When we asked why he said"you know why"
uhhh teen years suck the fat cock. i have always believed that kids need to make it through the danger zone of 16 to 22 without getting arrested for a felony, getting a girl pregnant or hooked on drugs. the scary part is that the same issues are still there its just that the age range has grown dramatically. i now say that the danger zone is really about 12 to 26 as they are more able and willing to act like idiots earlier in life and are treated like such fucking babies that they continue to act like douchebags well into their 20s. sometimes its just a matter of luck these days. kids do dumb shit, they always have and they always will. i was reading something the other day that was saying that teens brains cant grasp emotion and even though you are talking to them with concern and well wishes they perceive it as anger and is a big part of why they refuse to listen, i think thats horseshit and they are just learning about who they are and that they have a little bit of freedom and are going to figure shit out on their own and fuck you and your stupid experience you fucking dinosaur. go back to the 80s! good luck, i wish i was allowed to have my 9 year old neutered.
You insecure old fart is at his best douchbag pose again. I will deal with you later. Now fuck off Dierking. Well Kurdistan or USA or China. Doesn't matter. Social media is the same everywhere. Old school is now pretty much unwanted so we gotta deal with the issue with new parameteres. Stokes You raised your kids alone without their mother. How did you deal with the issue?
you have boys right Brook? you got the teenage years easy then. When the time is right just give em some condoms, tell them they are proof that pulling out is not a sound method of birth control and tell them to stay away from crazy bitches. done.
I have a 9 and 5 y.o. girl and they know they can get popped if they cross the line. They have to understand consequences. I don't go right for the spanking but i won't deny it as a tool in discipline if i deem it necessary.
Hey BN I wish it was that easy. The thing is Social Media. Bullying and such. And my boys being Muslim adding extra issues on their life as teenagers. Well fla, my bastards know their rights as kids. So they won't hesitate calling 911 if I ever do what your father did to you. And we have no support system here in USA. No grandpa no uncle no cousins. Just me, my wife and kids. To be honest, I am scared.
No it's true. They teach this in developmental psychology. The pre-frontal cortex is not fully developed until the 20's so they cannot control their emotions as well as an adult would. The frontal lobes are not fully connected, they don't have the same amount of myelin as adults. Myelin is the fatty white matter, protein and phospholipid sheath that coats the nerve fibers enabling faster transmission of signals. This explains why teens have an exaggerated sense of self importance and disregard logical action in favor of emotional action. They don't correctly grasp the feelings of others yet, they can't yet conceptualize the self in relation to the world as a whole because those areas of the brain are not fully connected yet.