Saw it yesterday and it left me wondering why didn't they just end the franchise after the middle movie. They could have just merged both and would have created a much better movie than this installment. Just pray that they don't try to spin off another thread from this movie as they pretty much closed all those avenues. If you catch the matinee, you'll be happier than paying full price for this. Somehow they managed to slip in a love story into this movie as well. Some slow spots, some decent action scenes, some bloopers. Decent trailers for upcoming movies. "Gods of Egypt" looks promising. Cman
Ugh not something I wanted to reAd/hear. I'm still excited for it when I go Tuesday but I'll damper my expectations.
There's been love stories since the first movie. It was just more subtle but it followed the books pretty well. I liked the movie. Definitely better than Mockingjay Part 1.
This is why I almost always wait an extra week to see movies at the $3 theater. If I was paying $12 for a bad movie I would be pissed. How much are the movies up in NY now? Still can't believe people pay $12-$15 in the boonies where I am.
I typically only go to movies on the RPX format so it's mostly the big epic films. Spectre and the like. $17.50 per seat but the experience is great, stadium seating, deep cushy seats, everything is brand spanking new. _
I guess I like laying back on my couch too much. Have a 60" plasma and excellent surround sound so I use that for my excuse instead of admitting I am cheap. Another reason I almost never comment in the new movie threads, by the time I watch them on redbox everyone else had watched them 2 months before.
I saw it last night, I liked this one much more then Part 1. That first one was a complete waste of time. They should have had just one film to end it, instead they wanted the cash to milk it. P.S. Gods of Egypt looks terrible Cman, just one of those films you just know will suck so bad
I dunno... I'd spend $8 to see it just for the action. Wifey has me watching all these chic fliks lately. I'm not above the d/l IF a good copy happens to come my way.
Saw this last night. They should have definitely made it into 1 movie. That was such a money grab. I enjoyed the movie overall, but it was very predictable IMO. I called a few things that would happen (I've never read the books). The actions scenes were awesome, but when they weren't in an action scene it just seemed to drag on a little bit. Overall, I thought it was good, not great.
Generally not my kind of movie. But I took my girlfriend's kids. We watched the prior three Hunger Games movies before seeing this last one. Kinda disappointed. A few points. First, this one didn't seem to flow very well for me. Just seemed to me like they forced themselves to find a hard break in the last story so they could cut it into two feature-length movies. Second, I was totally distracted that Philip Seymour Hoffman disappears. No choice. I get it. Still. Lastly - and I know this isn't a great criticism - but since I've now seen inside Jennifer Lawrence's fabulous colon and know she is a deliciously filthy, naughty tramp, well, it really was difficult to concentrate on the story line.
Distinctly average. Better than part 1 is the best I can say really. One thing has always bugged me about these books/movies - they've got vertical takeoff/landing aircraft, energy weapons, all sorts of technical gadets... wtf do they need coal for?