Carson completely lost me when he said that he wanted to ban all abortions. Then he only solidified his ineptitude by showing his ignorance in foreign policy and crazy stories about his pathologically violent past (Trump's rant with the belt thing was epic ).
We've done this with hate crimes laws all over the country at this point. 1% are sociopathically capable of beating a gay man to death for no reason other than he's gay and the other 99% live in circumstances where just saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can get us convicted of a hate crime. I'm just pointing out that the notion that the Constitution protects anybody is only as a strong as the will of the people to uphold it. The laws against unreasonable search are violated every day in many cities in this country if you're a young male from the wrong minority in that community. Any immigrant minority could suddenly find themselves in internment camps in the wrong situation. This is not just history, it's our everyday reality.
You are arguing with a Muslim who does not understand or want to accept the fact that TODAY in 2015 TODAY this very day NOW Muslims have a distinct portion of their club that is blowing up and massacring innocent humans by the hundreds and if they could by the thousands or tens of thousands. Not Nazi's from the 1940s. Not the Crusades. Not any of the people throughout history who have killed innocents. Muslims today are strapping bombs to themselves, strapping bombs to their children, putting bombs in innocent civilian locales, going into public places and shooting up innocents. Not Nazis. Not Chritians. Not Jews. Not Buddhists. Not any other sect of humanity. Muslims. _
Maybe the onus should be on the religious leaders of Islam to make amendments to the Koran. Yeah... that'll happen
Personally, I can't stand the way he speaks and I don't like his lack of foreign experience. He speaks like an old man and comes off as inarticulate to me.
Liberal media truly has no shame. Full version from MSNBC of Trump allegedly talking about the Muslim database, except that he wasn't: Edited version from CNN: Pathetic...
These morons in the early debate just reiterated on their desire to declare a no-fly zone over Syria. Russia has S-400 batteries installed in Syria, it would be more like a no-fly zone the other way around.
no I'm not.. They get asked a question, then you get the "let me go back to..." and that's the end of it.