If you shouldn't strictly regulate a group because of the actions of a minor portion of the group, even if it could improve the safety of society as a whole, I guess we can drop all the cries for gun control, right libs. I mean, we can't blame guns and gun owners when only a small portion of guns and gun owners use them to commit horrific crimes.
Liberals don’t say let’s blame innocent gun owners. We say let’s have some comprehensive gun control laws to try and reduce gun violence. At least try to make it harder for people who have bad intentions to get a hold of a gun. We don’t blame responsible owners for the actions of killers. Wanting some form of regulation doesn’t = punishment to gun advocates.
I volunteered in a targeted outreach program for at risk kids for years. Did what I could where I could when I could. Honestly , I don't really care what you think about it. Let me get my Superman cape out of the cleaners and I'll go fix the rest of the world for you. So, how many refugees will you be volunteering to house?
Well, I recently changed my voter registration to GOP, so I can vote in their NY primary. That's as much as I am going to say
The sooner that we accept that Islam is at war with the west we'll be a hell of a lot better. I'm over this religion of peace bullshit. A perfect example as to why that whole thing is bullshit; look at Saudi Arabia. The entire nation is based on the teachings of the Koran yet it's one of the most repressive regimes in the world. They stone women for committing adultery, they won't even let any "infidel" near Mecca or Medina. Women can't even go out in public alone. You have all these women complaining about the war or women, what the hell do they think Islam is? They are angry that a man wants to tell a woman not to have an abortion yet they defend a religion that essentially allows men to rape women at will. Time for people to wake the fuck up. How about we say it, we are at war with Islam because Islam has declared war on the west and our core values a long time ago. We have to stop tip toeing around this bullshit. Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe and it's not blond haired blue eyed men named Sven committing these acts. It's Muslims...why? Because the Koran teaches it's acceptable to rape a woman. You can't assimilate people into the population who want to conquer, they want to rule the world because that degenerate Mohamed taught that. They don't want to assimilate, they want to use our freedoms and our laws against us and as long as you have dumb liberals saying shit like Hillary and believing it we're fucked.
Is ANYONE asking you to let people stay at your house? No. But if my apartment complex actually started feeling charitable for once and offered housing to Syrian with our unused apartments, I'd be fine with it. In fact, there was talk of using one of the empty casinos for that purpose and I think it's a great idea.
You're doing all this crying about bigots, but you want to import them. Good thinking. Why do you expect people to tolerate people who are in fact, incredibly intolerant themselves? We should welcome people who hate Jews, gays and equal rights for women? I think not.
Liberals are hypocritical liars...liberalism is a very serious mental disorder and its going to kill us all
That cunt's lies are so toxic, that just to conjure them up inside her brain is poisoning her whole body