Okay, so I got to thinking about the coaches we've had since the BP era ended and, after I stopped crying, I started to realize that I didn't care much for any of them. However, that doesn't mean that everyone else feels the same. So I decided to simply ask: Who do you think has been the best Jets coach in the 21st century? They're all listed there, in all their glory. I included Al Groh even though, technically, that was the end of the 20th century. We don't have many choices so I figured I'd arbitrarily change how centuries are determined for our benefit. Why not, right? And anyway, I'm sure Groh will win this in a landslide...... EDIT: fixed! Edit2: could a mod plz change the thread title to "Best" Jets coach of the 21st Century. I kinda screwed this up when I changed what I was going for towards the end of what I was writing.
I voted Todd Bowles. He's made his share of mistakes this season and I hope is learning. But I love his approach. He's like Eric Mangini except comfortable in his own skin. And players seem to enjoy playing for him while he is also much more discipline focused. I disliked the bloviating Rex Ryan from the start. Truly can't stand the man. Maybe he's a football genius, but I doubt it. I dislike Herm Edwards almost as much. Al Groh got a raw deal, but I can't remember yesterday much less 2000.
If memory serves Groh got his dream job (UVA? Some other college HC gig?) and chose to leave after a year. However, I do think it is fair to say he got a raw deal. I mean, basically he was a filler HC for when BB screwed over the Jeta org and BP. Not a great way to land a job. Basically, "the guy we wanted fled, so we'll settle for you" kinda thing.
I'd vote biggest question mark - Bowles He's the wildcard in this. Only half a season in so who knows? Best coach as of now - Rex Worst coach as of now - Mangini
What a sorry lot! As of now, Todd Bowles gets it simply because the others were so bad. I'd rank them like this. 1.Todd Bowles - incomplete, has already cleaned up some of Rex's mess, but still has work to do 2.Eric Mangini - wasn't all that bad, had a pretty good eye for talent, was just a micromanager and too anal and lost the locker room. 3.Herm Edwards - a walking cliché machine, clueless in many ways, but he led the Jets to a couple of impressive playoff wins 4.Al Groh - Wasn't very good at all, but avoids the cellar simply because Rex Ryan is the clear "winner" of last place 5.Rex Ryan - He looks much better as a HC because he got to ride the coattails of the veteran team Mangini assembled with great leaders in the locker room and on the field, and enjoyed the bump that players coaches when they follow strict disciplinarians. He managed to put together some excellent game plans vs NE, but usually had the team unprepared and undisciplined, and created a circus around my beloved Jets. Never made any serious attempt to become a complete HC, or if he did, was just too stupid to come even remotely close. Talked tough, but his team often played like pussies, especially in crunch time. His real lack of any clue of how to be a HC was revealed the last 3-4 seasons. He is a clueless, loud-mouthed, buffoon and jerkoff, and I have ZERO respect for him as a man or as a football coach, and I will despise that man until the day he dies.
Rex went to the AFC Championship game with the worst QB in the league two years in a row. This question isn't even debatable.
The title and OP asks who was your "favorite" while the poll question asks who was the "best". Two very different questions. While both questions are somewhat subjective, the former is far more so than the latter. Rex can be everyone's least favorite but it's hard to make a case that he was the worst, no matter the metric you choose to use.
Conversely, Mangini missed the playoffs with one of the all time great QBs at the helm of pretty much the same team. Go figure.
Well, he got hurt. We were the best team in the league with 6 games to play. That said, it was Mangini fault that he continued to play him instead of resting him for six weeks and trying to get a win or two out of Clemens while Favre rested his arm for the playoffs.
your hate makes you delusional.. he's clearly been more successful than the other coaches. Mangini? please
I am going to say Bowles.... not because of what he's accomplished, but that his demeanor is refreshing. We've had a couple of uptight characters and a complete toe sucking megalomaniac. Bowles is a nice change from that!
Herman... Edwards?? Fucking guy quit, right after he quit on his team. He jumped ship for his buddy Carl Peterson and the Jets ended up getting compensation. Same as the Belichick deal. Unless you're stupid enough to think they traded Belichick too.
Sorry, my bad. I changed the title as I was writing and editing my post and forgot to change the body of my post. Thanks for the catch. It's edited now to be more consistent.